NURS 319 OB/Maternity Exam Guide - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • 8/17/2019 NURS 319 OB/Maternity Exam Guide


    Chapter 19Nursing Care of the Family During Labor andBirth

    First Stage of Labor

    • Begins with regular uterine contractions

    • Ends with full cervical eacement and dilation

    • Three phases: if the patient has an epidural the 3 phaseswon’toccur.

    (1) Latent phase: up to 3 cm of dilation. he is fairl!comforta"le# ma!"e a"le to hide it($) %ctive phase: &' cm ofdilation. he is uncomforta"le# cra""!# anddoesn’t want to tal toan!one.(3) *ransition phase: +'1, cm of dilation. he is mad and inpain and"e!ond read! to give "irth. ometime she will havevomiting.

    • Assessment and Nursing Dx:

    o -etermination if woman is in true la"or or false la"or

    (contractions# cervi# fetus)o /"stetric triage and E0*%L%(Emergenc! 0edical

    *reatment and %ctive La"or %ct). % woman is consideredto"e in true la"or until a uali2ed provider determines sheisnot.

    o %dmission to the la"or unit

    o Admission data

    4renatal data: has !our "ag "roen5 (6hat time#amount# color#odor) 6hen the "ag "reas !ou havea time limit on la"or.

    7nterview (spontaneous rupture of mem"ranes#"lood! or pin show):if the mucous plug presents asa "lood! show "efore la"or startsit’s not a "ig deal.

    4s!chosocial factors (woman with 8 of seuala"use):

    tress in la"or: 9ultural factors (woman ma! have apreconceived

    idea of the right; wa! to "ehave# cultural andfatherparticipation# non'English speaing woman in la"or):

    o Physical exam 5

    ?ital signs: if B4 is elevated# reassess 3, minuteslater.Encourage her to lie on her side to preventsupine h!potension andthe resulting fetal h!poia.

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    0onitor temperature to identif! signs of infection.he ma! have adrop in B4.

    Leopold maneuvers: a"dominal palpation withwoman "rie@! l!ing onher "ac to help answer 3uestions. (1) 6hat fetal part is in theuterine

    fundus5 ($) 6here is the fetal "ac located5 (3) 6hatis thepresenting fetal part5 %ssessment of A8> and pattern:?aria"ilit! and

    accelerations are good# earl! decells are oa! "utlate are notgood

    %ssessment of uterine contractions: freuenc!#intensit! (mild#moderate# strong)# duration# restingtone. Ensure tach!s!stole isn’thappening

    ?aginal eamination: cervical eacement# dilation#fetal descent(station)

    La"orator! and diagnostic tests:

    %nal!sis of urine specimen Blood tests (group Bstreptococci)

    %ssessment of amniotic mem"ranes and @uid

    (*%9/): infection# =itraCine or fern test. The Nitrazinetestinvolves placing small

    amounts (a drop or two) of vagin*l @uid ontopaper stripsprepared with =itraCine d!e. %chemical reaction occurs and thestrips changecolor# indicating the p8 of the vagin*l @uid. 7fthecolor shows the p8 is greater than D.# itFsliel! the mem"ranes haveruptured.

    igns of potential pro"lems• Plan of are and inter!entions:

    o Standards of are

    o 4h!sical nursing care during la"or: general h!giene#

    nutrient and @uid intae (oral and 7?)# elimination (will haveafole! with an epidural)# am"ulation and positioning.

    o upportive care during la"or and "irth

    =urse: help maintain control and participate to her

    wishes# provide continuit! of care that isnonGudgmental andrespectful of cultureHreligion#

    meeting her epected outcomes# listening to herconcerns andencourage to epress feelings# actingas her advocate# helping herconserve her energ!and cope eectivel! with pain anddiscomfort#acnowledging her eorts including her strength andcourageas well as those of her partner# providingpositive reinforcement#protecting her privac!#modest!# and dignit!.

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    AatherHpartner: >= must realiCe he is a person of

    value# he can "e a partner in the woman’s care# andchild"earingis a team eort. (ta"le 1I'I)

    -oulas: focus on the la"oring woman and provide

    ph!sical and emotional support "! using soft#

    reassuring words of praise and encouragementJtouchingJ stroingJand hugging.

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    aorta. % nonre"reather mas at 1, LHmin can administero!gen.

    o upport of father or partner%woman needs continuous

    support and coaching during second stage and this can "etiring#so the nurse oers the nourishment# refreshments#

    and short "reas as needed.o upplies# instruments# andeuipment%mae sure

    ever!thing is woring "efore a woman arrives. (/!gen#tu"ing# 7?pump# etc.)

    • Birth in a delivery room or birthing room

    • echanism of birth: verte presentation

    o 9rowning

    o =uchal cord: um"ilical cord wrapped around the "a"!#

    t!picall! around the nec.

    • !se of f"ndal press"re#pushing on a women’sfundus.Mouwill never do this

    • Immediate assessments and care of newborn#

    • Perineal tra"ma r$t childbirth#

    o Lacerations:

    4erineal ?aginal and urethral 9ervical inGuries

    o Episiotom!:

    hould "e avoided if at all possi"le

    • %mergency childbirth:giving "irth in an unepectedplace

    with no proper euipment. Nust catch the "a"!

    Third Stage of Labor

    • Birth of the baby "ntil the placenta is expelledo Airml!contracting fundus

    o 9hange in uterus

    o udden gush of dar red "lood from the introitus

    o %pparent lengthening of the um"ilical cord

    o ?aginal fullness

    o 4lacental eamination and disposal

    9ultural preferencesFourth stage of Labor

    • Care management

    o Airst 1'$ hours after "irth

    o %ssessment of maternal ph!sical status. 4h!siologic

    changes "ac to pre'pregnanc! status.o igns of potentialpro"lems

    Ecessive "lood loss: %lterations in vital signs andconsciousness

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    o 9are of new mother and her famil!

    &ey Points /nset of la"or ma! "e diOcult to determine fornulliparous and

    multiparous women Aamiliar environment of home is most often theideal place for a

    woman during latent phase of 2rst stage of la"or =urse assumesmuch of the responsi"ilit!

    • %ssessing progress of la"or• Peeping primar! health careprovider informed a"out

    progress in la"or and deviations from epected 2ndings A8> andpattern reveal fetal response to stress of la"or process

    %ssessment of la"oring woman’s urinar! output and "ladder is

    critical to ensure progress and prevent inGur! to "ladder6oman’s level of aniet! ma! increase when she does not

    understand the medical terminolog! used or "ecause of alanguage"arrier

    9oaching# emotional support# and comfort measures assistwoman touse energ! constructivel! in relaing and woring withthecontractions

    4rogress of la"or is enhanced when a woman changes her

    position freuentl! during the 2rst stage of la"or -oulas providecontinuous supportive presence during la"or that

    can have a positive eect on child"irth 9ultural "eliefs andpractices of woman and her signi2cant

    others can have a profound in@uence on their approach tola"orand "irth

    =urse who is aware of particular sociocultural aspects ofhelpingand coping acts as an advocate for the woman or coupleduringla"or

    Qualit! of the nurse'client relationship is a factor in thewoman’s

    a"ilit! to cope with the stressors of the la"or process 6omenwith a histor! of seual a"use often eperience profound

    stress and aniet! during child"irth 7na"ilit! to palpate thecervi during vagin*l eamination

    indicates complete eacement and full dilation and is theonl!certain# o"Gective sign that second stage has "egun

    6omen ma! have an urge to "ear down at various times during

    la"or• Before cervi is full! dilated• =ot until active phase ofsecond stage of la"or

    6hen responding to rh!thmic nature of the second stage of

    la"or# the woman normall!:• 9hanges "od! positions• Bears downspontaneousl!

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    • ?ocaliCes (open'glottis pushing) when she perceives urgetopush (Aerguson re@e)

    6omen should "ear down several times during a contraction

    using open'glottis pushing method• ustained closed'glottispushing should "e avoided

    "ecause o!gen transport to fetus will "e inhi"ited =urses canuse the role of advocate to prevent routine use of

    episiotom! and to reduce incidence of lacerations• Empoweringwomen to tae an active role in their "irth• Educating health careproviders a"out approaches to

    managing child"irth that reduce incidence of perinealtrauma

    /"Gective signs indicate that the placenta has separated andis

    read! to "e epelled• Ecessive traction on um"ilical cord "eforeplacenta has

    separated can result in maternal inGur!

    i"lings present for la"or and "irth need preparation andsupportfor the event

    -uring the fourth stage of la"or# the woman’s fundal tone#lochia#

    and vital signs should "e assessed freuentl! 0ostparentsHfamilies enGo! "eing a"le to handle# hold# eplore#

    and eamine the "a"! immediatel! after "irth =urses o"serve theprogress in the development of parent'child

    relationships and are alert for warning signs duringtheimmediate postpartum period

    % woman "ene2ts from reviewing her child"irth eperience with

    the nurse who managed her care during la"or and "irth

    Chapter 1&Fetal Assessment During LaborBasis for$onitoring

    • 'etal responseo 0aintenance of o!gen suppl! to prevent fetalcompromise

    o -ecrease in o!gen suppl! can "e due to:

    >eduction of "lood @ow through maternal vessels(8*=#h!povolemia# supine maternal positon)

    >eduction in o!gen content in maternal "lood

    (hemorrhage or anemia) %lterations in fetal circulation (cordcompression#a"ruption# vagal nerve stimulation)

    >eduction in "lood @ow to intervillous space inplacenta(tach!s!tole# 8*=# -0# post'term)

    • (ormal ')* patterns described as reass"ring (wa!s to talto thedoctor over the phone)

    o 9ategor! 7 (the "estR something going on "ut it’s allgood)

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    Baseline A8> in the normal range of 11,'1D, "pm Baselinefetal 8> varia"ilit!: moderate Late or varia"le decelerations:a"sent Earl! decelerations: ma! "e present or a"sent %ccelerationseither present or a"sent

    o 9ategor! 77 (not the "est# "ut oa!R)• Abnormal ')* patternsdescribed as non+reass"ring

    o 9ategor! 777 ( now)

    $onitoring Tehni'ues

    • 7ntermittent auscultation (7%)

    o Listening to fetal heart sounds at periodic intervals to

    assess A8>o 7% of the fetal heart can "e performed with:

    Le scope -eLee'8illis fetoscope

    Sltrasound deviceo Eas! to use# inepensive# less invasive thenEA0

    o -iOcult to perform on women who are o"ese

    o Does not (ro!ide a (ermanent reordif needed for a


    • %lectronic fetal monitoring ,%'- to meas"re how strongthecontractions are

    o Eternal monitoring2rst line 7f there’s %=M dou"t# use an

    internal device A8>: ultrasound transducer

    S9s: tocotransducero 7nternal monitoring

    piral electrode 7S49

    o -ispla!

    0onitor paper 9omputer screen

    Fetal )eart *ate Patterns

    • Baseline ')*

    o %verage rate during a 1,'minutes segment that ecludes:

    4eriodic or episodic changes 4eriods of mared varia"ilit!egments of the "aseline that dier "! more than $

    "pm 0ust "e at least $ minutes of interpreta"le data

    o ?aria"ilit!

    7rregular @uctuations in A8> of two c!cles per minuteorgreater

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    inusoidal pattern is not included in the de2nitionofvaria"ilit!

    o *ach!cardia: "aseline A8> greater than 1D, "pm

    o Brad!cardia: "aseline A8> less than 11, "pm

    • Changes in ')*

    o 4eriodic changes occur with S9so Episodic (non'periodicchanges) not associated with S9s

    o %ccelerations caused "! dominance of s!mpathetic

    nervous responseo -ecelerations:

    Earl! decelerations in response to fetal headcompression (earl!isn’t a "ad thing# "enign# nopro"lem)

    Late decelerations due to SteroplacentalinsuOcienc! (late is notgoodMou don’t want late)

    ?aria"le decelerations due to umbilial ord

    om(ression 4rolonged decelerations

    Care $anagement

    • %' pattern recognition and interpretation

    o =798- 6orshop $,,+ proposed a three'tie s!stem for EA0

    interpretation 9ategor! 7: normal 9ategor! 77: intermediate9ategor! 777: a"normal (top the 4itocin# give '1,L

    o!gen on a nonre"reather# R.)o Aetal monitoring standards

    o =ursing management of non'reassuring patters

    • .ther methods of assessment and interventions

    o A8> response to stimulation

    o Aetal o!gen pulse oimetr!

    o %mnioinfusion: if the "a"! is showing variations that

    usuall! mean cord compression# this will "e done so thereis more@uid and the cord is less liel! to get compressed.

    o *ocol!tic therap!

    o Sm"ilical cord acid'"ase determination

    &ey Points Aetal well'"eing during la"or is gauged "!response of the A8> to

    S9s tandardiCed de2nitions for common A8> patterns have"een

    adopted "! %9=0# %9/ over time

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    0onitoring of fetal well'"eing

    • A8> assessment• Sterine activit! assessment• %ssessingmaternal vital signs

    =urse must:

    •%ssess A8> patterns

    • 7mplement independent nursing interventions• >eporta"normal patterns to ph!sician or nurse'midwife

    Emotional# informational# and comfort needs must "eaddressed

    when the mother and fetus are "eing monitored -ocumentation isinitiated and updated according to institutional


    Chapter 1/$aximizing Comfort for the Laboring +omanPainDuring Labor and Birth

    • (e"rological originso ?isceral: during the 2rst stage ofla"or. Sterine

    contractions cause cervical dilation and eacement. 4ainimpulsesare transmitted via *1 to *1$ spinal nervesegment and accessor!lower thoracic and upper lum"ars!mpathetic nerves# which originatein uterine "od! andcervi.

    o >eferred: occurs when pain that originates in theuterus

    radiatesto the a"dominal wall# lum"osacral area of the"ac#iliac crests# gluteal area# thighs# and lower "ac.

    o omatic: during the second stage of la"or and is descri"ed

    as intense# sharp# "urning and well localiCed. 7t resultsfrom(1) distention and traction on the peritoneum anduterocervicalsupports during contractions ($) pressureagainst the "ladder andrectum (3) stretching anddistention of perineal tissues and thepelvic @oor to allowpassage of the fetus (&) lacerations ofsoft tissue. 6omenreport a decrease in pain when the! "eardown.

    • Perception of pain:fear and lac of information canincreasepain. Pnowledge# a positive attitude# and support resultindecreased pain perception. 4ain tolerance is how much pain awomenwill endure. Aactors that in@uence her tolerance level

    include her desire for a natural# vagin*l "irthJ her preparationforchild"irthJ her aniet! levelJ the nature of hersupportJwillingness and a"ilit! to receive non'pharmacologicmeasuresJhistor!Heperience from other "irths.

    • %xpression of pain: s!mpathetic nervous s!stem activit! is

    stimulated in response to intensif!ing pain# resulting inincreasedcatecholamine levels. B4 and 8> increase# maternalrespirator!pattern changes in response to an increase in o!gen

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    consumption. 8!perventilation# sometimes accompanied"!respirator! alalosis# can occur when rapid# shallow"reathingtechniues are used.

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    2rm o"Gect or the 2st or heel of the hand. 4ressure can also"eapplied to "oth hips# or to the nees.

    • "sic

    • 3ater therapy ,hydrotherapy-:with warm water

    • Transc"taneo"s electrical nerve stim"lation:$ pairs of@at

    electrodes on either side of the women’s thoracic andsacralspine to provide continuous low'intensit!electricalimpulsesHstimuli.

    • Ac"press"re of heat and cold:not accepta"le for some

    cultures. %cupressure on certain points in the hand and feetcan"e used to relieve pain.

    • Ac"p"nct"re: used more in Eastern than 6estern area.

    • To"ch and massage

    o *herapeutic touch

    • )ypnosis:deep relaation# similar to da!dreaming or


    Non,(harmaologi $anagement of Disomfort

    • Biofeedbac4: "ased on a theor! that if a person canrecogniCeph!sical signals# certain internal ph!siologic events can"echanged.

    • Aromatherapy

    • Intradermal water bloc4

    Pharmaologi Pain $anagement

    • 5edatives: relieve aniet! and induce sleep. Bar"iturates#

    phenothiaCines# "enCodiaCepines. Epidurals are "etterthansomething s!stemic "ecause it’s regional.

    • Analgesia and anesthesiao !stemic analgesia: o(ioidscan"e administered as

    intermittent 7? or 70 doses "! the 894 or 49% pumps.o /pioid(narcotic) analgesics: (1) opioid agonists ($) opioid

    agonist'antagonist (3) opioid antagonists

    • (erve bloc4 analgesia and anesthesiao Local perinealin2ltration anesthesiama! "e used when

    an episiotom! is to "e performed or when lacerations must

    "e sutured after "irth in a woman who does not haveregionalanesthesia.o 4udendal nerve "locadministered late in the second

    stage of la"or and is useful if an episiotom! is to "eperformedor if forceps or a vacuum etractor is to "eused.

    o pinal anesthesia ("loc)

    4ostdural puncture headaches

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    Epidural "lood patcho Epidural anesthesiaHanalgesia ("loc)

    Lum"ar epidural anesthesiaHanalgesia pinal analgesia ide eectsinclude ("o 1'): h!potension# local

    anesthetic toicit!# fever# urinar! retention# pruritus#limitedmovement# longer second stage la"or#increased use of o!tocin#increased lielihood offorceps' or vacuum'assistance

    8igh or total spinal anesthesiao 9ontraindications to epidural"locs

    %ctive or anticipated serious maternal hemorrhage.%cuteh!povolemia leads to increased s!mpathetictone to maintain B4. %n!anesthetic techniues that"loc s!mpathetic 2"ers can producesigni2cant#dangerous h!potension.

    7f a woman is receiving anticoagulant therap! or hasa "leedingdisorder# inGur! to a "lood vessel ma!cause formation of a hematomathat ma! compressthe cauda euina or the spinal cord and leadtoserious 9= complications.

    7nfection at inGection site 7ncreased 794 caused "e a masslesion %llerg! to anesthesia drug 0aternal refusal or ina"ilit! tocooperate ome maternal cardiac conditions

    o Epidural eects on the new"orn: there is no evidence of a

    lasting eect on the new"orno

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    dela!ed# ($) higher doses of medication are reuired# and(3)medication is released at an unpredicta"le rate fromthe muscletissue and is availa"le for transfer across theplacenta to thefetus.

    >egional anesthesia

    •5afety and general care:assess and monitor pain level aswellas ph!siologic signs of pain# advocate for the patient#educationpatient and famil! when necessar!# ensure safet!.

    &ey Points =onpharmacologic pain and stress managementstrategies alone

    or in com"ination with pharmacologic methods helpmanagediscomfort


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    o igns of ris for 9? pro"lems

    *ach!cardia: greater than 1D, "pm Brad!cardia: less than 11, "pm9olor

    o *he "a"! must initiate "reathing. *he lungs epand asthe

    "a"! is "orn and turns the "a"! pin during la"or (the"a"! is"lue inside mom). -uctus arteriosus closes o dueto pressure duringla"or#

    o >espirations at "irth should "e 3,'D, "pm

    • )ematopoietic system

    o >B9shigher >B9s and 8

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    % ver! sic "a"!

    • An infant sho"ld void within the 8rst 6 ho"rs of life

    • 9& of infants void within 7; ho"rs of lifeo 7f a new"ornhas not voided within &+ hours of life it ma!

    indicate a renal impairmento =urses should eep careful 7T/records

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    • )epatic systemo 9ar"oh!drate meta"olism'h!pogl!cemiaafter"irth when

    the new"orn is cut o from maternal glucose suppl!# theglucoselevel can drop "etween 3, and I, minutes after

    "irth then gradual! rise.o 9onGugation of "iliru"in

    o 4h!siologic Gaundice

    Pernicterus: a ver! serious pro"lem# "iliru"indeposits in the"rain. >efers to the irreversi"le# long'term conseuences of"iliru"in toicit! such ash!potonia (aa @opp! "a"! s!ndrome fromreducedmuscle strength)# dela!ed motor sills# hearing loss#cere"ralpals!# and gaCe a"normalities.

    o Naundice associated with "reatfeeding

    o 9oagulation de2ciencies can "e developed "! infants# so

    circ*msiCed males must "e o"sereved closel!. 8emorrhagecan also"e caused "e a clotting defect indicatedhemophilia. Ba"ies lacvitamin P which we get from the 3pounds of "acteria that we carr!#so the! have a wea a"ilit!to coagulate.

    • Imm"ne 5ystemo >is for infection is high within the 2rstmonths of life.

    Letharg!# irrita"ilit!# poor feeding# vomiting#diarrhea#decreased re@ees# and pale or mottled sin color aresomesHs that suggest infection. >espirator! s!mptomsincludeapnea# tach!pnea# grunting# or retracting can "eassociatedwith infection such as pneumonia.

    • Integ"mentary systemo ?erni caseosaa cheeselie# whitishsu"stance that is

    fused with the epidermis and serves as a protectivecoveringafter 3 wees of gestation.

    o weat glandsinfants don’t sweat in the 2rst $& hours#"ut

    "! da! 3 sweating "egins on the face and progresses tothepalms.

    o -esuamation(peeling) of the sin of the term infant doesnotoccur until a few da!s after "irth.

    o 0ongolian spots"luish "lac areasof pigmentation can

    appear over an! part of the eterior surface of the"od!.*he! should "e documented careful to preventconfusionwith "ruises.

    o =evialso nown as salmon patches# are the result of

    super2cial capillar! defect and commonl! found on upper

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    e!elids# nose# upper lip# and nape of nec. *he! have noclinicalsigni2cance and reuire no treatment. Birth mars.

    o Er!thema toicuma transient rash that appears within$&'

    $ hours of life and is thought to "e an in@ammator!response andhas no clinical signi2cance reuiring no

    treatment. Loos lie the "a"! has acne.o igns of ris forintegumentar! pro"lemscolor# an! palor#

    plethora (deep purplish color from increasedcirculating>B9s)# petechiae# central c!anosis# or Gaundice.

    • *eprod"ctive systemo Aemale usuall! has slightl! swollengenitals from maternal

    hormoneso 0ale can also have swollen genitals

    o Both male and female can have a "lood! diaper after a few

    da!so welling of "reast tissue for "oth male and femaleo igns ofris for reproductive s!stem pro"lems

    %m"iguous genitalia: chromosome testing necessar!to determinegender of "a"!

    8!pospadias: opening of the penis is opened alongthe shaft# noton the tip. 0a! cause infertilit! later.

    • 54eletal systemo igns of ris for seletal pro"lems:

    0olding: cone head

    9aput succedaneum: crosses the suture lines# @uidgets rea"sor"ed"ut it gives Gell!'lie feeling to top ofhead

    9ephalhematoma: "lood 2lled. 4uts "a"! at greaterris forGaundice "ecause the! have more >B9 to"rea down

    -evelopmental d!splasia of the hip: >= assess forhip to clic;and need to move it "ac into place

    Aractured clavicle: easiest "one to "rea in the "od!and can "readuring "irth# "ut it heals uicl!

    (e"rom"sc"lar systemo =ew"orn re@ees:"a"! should "es!mmetricall! @eed

    o igns of ris for neuromuscular pro"lems

    Beha!ioral Charaterists

    • 5leep+wa4e states: deep sleep light sleep drows!uiet

    alert active alert cr!ing

    • .ther factors in0"encing behavior of newborns

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    Each new"orn has a uniue personalit!

    Chapter 6;Post(artum Physiologi Changes-stimated Date ofDeli!ery

    • )"man gestation lasts 6== days

    • 9onception ocurs approimatel! $ wees after the L04• ince duedates are "ased on length since L04# the length of

    pregnanc! is counted as $+, da!s.

    *e(roduti!e System and Assoiated Strutures

    • PP periodis the interval "etween "irth and return ofthe

    reproductive organs to their nonpregnant state

    • !ter"so 7nvolution process:the uterus graduall! shrinsto prepare

    for the net pregnanc!o 9ontractions: happen even after the "a"!is "orn

    o %fterpains: after multiple "a"ies the! "ecome more intense

    o 4lacental site: all the "lood vessels that remain in themom

    after the placenta is released and the uterus clamps themo tostop the placental site from "leeding. 7f !ou seeecessive "leeding"ut she has a strong contracted uterus#the doctor should assess fora tare.

    o Lochia: comes out of uterus# starts out dar red and slowl!

    lightens to "ecome pale pin# then white. >u"ra: red erosa:pin

    %l"a: white (taes a couple wees)

    • Cervix:will contract "ac and will not "e as pinpoint asit wasprior to the "a"!

    • >agina and perine"m: go "ac to normal# ma! tae a coupleweesif a tare or episiotom! occured

    • Pelvic m"sc"lar s"pporto 4elvic relaation

    o Pegel eercises

    -ndorine System

    • Placental hormones

    o Estrogen and progesterone levels decrease

    o 7nhi"ition of mil "! estrogen and progesterone levels

    • Pit"itary hormones and ovarian f"nctiono 4rolactin remainselevated in women who "reastfeed

    o /vulation in $ da!s after "irth for nonlactating women

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    o /vulation in , to da!s in lactating women


    • *et"rns to prepregnancy state = wee4s after birth

    o triae ma! persist

    o >eturn of muscle tone 4revious tone 4roper eercises %diposetissue

    o -iastasis recti a"dominis

    /rinary System

    • !rine components

    o >enal gl!cosuria disappears "! 1 wee postpartum

    • Postpartal di"resis

    o -iuresis of etracellular @uid

    • !rethra and bladder

    o 7mmediatel! after "irth ecessive "eeding can occur if

    "ladder "ecomes distended

    0astrointestinal System

    • Appetite:the! are hungr! right awa!

    • Bowel evac"ationo /ccurs $ to 3 da!safter child"irth

    o %nal sphincter lacerations are associated with postpartum



    Breastfeeding mothers

    o 9olostrum: has lots of anti"odies for the new"orn

    o 0il in $ to ID hours

    • (onbreastfeeding motherso Engorgement resolves in $&'3Dhours after mil comes in

    Cardio!asular System

    • Blood vol"medecreases then increases# "! eliminationof

    placental circulation# less vasodilation# and movementofetrvascular water

    • Cardiac o"tp"t"ac to normal in D'+ wees

    • >ital signsshow onl! minor alterations

    • Blood components

    o 8ematocrit and hemoglo"in 6=L "! + wees

    o ?aricosities

  • 8/17/2019 NURS 319 OB/Maternity Exam Guide


    &ey Points Sterus involutes rapidl! after "irth# returningto true pelvis within

    $ wees >apid decrease in estrogen and progesterone levelsafter

    epulsion of the placenta is responsi"le for triggeringanatomic

    and ph!siologic changes in puerperium >eturn of ovulation andmenses determined in part "! whether

    the woman "reastfeeds her infant %ssessment of lochia and fundalheight is essential to monitor

    progress of normal involution and to identif! potential pro"lemsSnder normal circ*mstances# few alterations in vital signs are

    seen after child"irth 8!percoagula"ilit!# vessel damage# andimmo"ilit! predispose

    woman to throm"oem"olism 0ared diuresis# decreased "laddersensitivit!# and

    overdistention of "ladder can lead to pro"lems with urinar!

    elimination 4regnanc! ph!siologic changes allow woman totolerate

    considera"le "lood loss at "irth

    Chapter 61Nursing Care of the Family During the Post(artumPeriod

    Nursing Care of the Post(artum +oman

    • =urse provides famil!'centered care that focuses onassessment

    and support of a woman’s ph!siologic and emotionaladaptationafter "irth

    • 9are is wellness oriented

    •*!pical hospital sta! is 1 to $ da!s after vagin*l "irth#$'& da!s

    after cesarean

    Transfer from the *eo!ery Area

    • 4ostanesthesia recover!

    o >egardless of o"stetric status# no woman should "e

    discharged from recover! area until completel! recoveredfromanesthesia

    o 6omen who have received general or regional anesthesiashould"e cleared "! a mem"er of the anesthesia team

    o *ransfer from recover! area

    o 7n L->4 settings nurse provides the same level of care

    without moving the client

    Planning for Disharge

  • 8/17/2019 NURS 319 OB/Maternity Exam Guide


    • Laws relating to discharge

    o =ew"orns’ and 0others’ 8ealth 4romotion %ct of 1IDD

    o %dvantages and disadvantages of earl! postpartum


    • 9riteria for earl! dischargeo 0other recoveredJ a"le to carefor self and "a"!

    o *hose at low ris for complications ma! "e dischargedas

    earl! as D hours from a "irth center# $&'3D hours fromthehospital

    Care $anagement

    • 4h!sical needs

    o 9ouplet care

    • >outine la"orator! tests

    4revention of infection• 4revention of ecess "leeding

    • 0aintenance of uterine tone

    • 4revention of "ladder distention

    • 4romotion of comfort# rest# am"ulation# eercise

    • 4romotion of nutrition

    • 4romotion of normal "ladder and "owel patters

    • 4romotion of "reastfeeding and lactation suppression

    • 8ealth promotion for future pregnancies and children

    o >u"ella vaccination

    o 4revention of >h isoimmuniCation>hogam• 4s!chosocialneeds

    o Eect of "irth eperience

    o 0aternal self'image

    o %daptation to parenthood and parent'infant interactions

    o Aamil! structure and functioning

    o Eect of cultural diversit!

    Disharge Teahing

    • elf'managementJ signs of complications

    • eual activit! and contraception

    • 4rescri"ed medications

    • >outine mother and "a"! checups

    • Aollow'up after discharge

    o 8ome visits

    o *elephone follow'up

    o 6arm lines

    o upport groups

  • 8/17/2019 NURS 319 OB/Maternity Exam Guide


    o >eferral to communit! resources

    &ey Points 4ostpartum care is modeled on the concept ofhealth

    9ultural "eliefs and practices aect the client’s response tothe

    puerperium =ursing plan of care includes:

    o %ssessments to detect deviations from normal

    o 9omfort measures to relieve discomfort or pain

    o afet! measures to prevent inGur! or infection

    =urse provides teaching and counseling to promote thewoman’s

    feelings of competence in self and "a"! care 9ommon nursinginterventions

    o Evaluating and treating the "ogg! uterus and the full

    urinar! "laddero 4roviding for pharmacologic andnonpharmacologic relief of

    pain and discomfort associated with the episiotom!orlacerations

    o 7nstituting measures to promote or suppress lactation

    0eeting ps!chosocial needs of new mothers involves planning

    care that considers the composition and functioning of theentirefamil!

    Earl! postpartum discharge continues to "e the trend as aresult

    of:o 9onsumer demand

    o 0edical necessit!

    o -ischarge criteria for low ris child"irtho 9ost'containmentmeasures

    Eective means to prevent crisis and facilitate ph!siologicand

    ps!chologic adGustments used in com"ination include:o 8omevisits

    o *elephone follow'up

    o 6arm lines

    o upport groups

    o >eferral to communit! resources

NURS 319 OB/Maternity Exam Guide - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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