Winchester Dental | Fotona (2024)


    Winchester Dental

    212 Linden Dr, Suite 150, 22601 Winchester , Virginia, United States

    +1 5406624866


    LipLase® / M021-5AF/1 S / LightWalker ATS

    NightLase® - Snoring Treatment / M021-5AF/1 S / LightWalker ATS

    Conservative Dentistry / M021-5AF/1 S / LightWalker ATS

    Endodontics / M021-5AF/1 S / LightWalker ATS

    Laser-Assisted Ceramic Debonding / M021-5AF/1 S / LightWalker ATS

    Pain Management / M021-5AF/1 S / LightWalker ATS

    Aphthae And Herpes Treatment / M021-5AF/1 S / LightWalker ATS

    '; }); // bounds TMD.clinicFinder.mapBounds = bounds; // fit bounds if ( && fitBounds) { const d = TMD.clinicFinder.distance / 111; bounds.extend({ lat:, lng:TMD.clinicFinder.currentLoc.lng-d }); bounds.extend({ lat:, lng:TMD.clinicFinder.currentLoc.lng+d });; } // set zoom // if ( > 17 ) {; } // HTML //$('#loc-info').html(h); const MAX_CLUSTER_ZOOM = 16; if ( TMD.clinicFinder.markerCluster ) { TMD.clinicFinder.markerCluster.setMap(null); } TMD.clinicFinder.markerCluster = new markerClusterer.MarkerClusterer({ map:, markers: TMD.clinicFinder.mapMarkers, algorithm: new markerClusterer.SuperClusterAlgorithm({ minZoom: 0, // min zoom to generate clusters on maxZoom: MAX_CLUSTER_ZOOM, // max zoom level to cluster the points on minPoints: 2, // 2 minimum points to form a cluster radius: 80, // cluster radius in pixels (40) extent: 512, // tile extent (radius is calculated relative to it) (512) nodeSize: 64, // size of the KD-tree leaf node, affects performance log: false, // whether to log timing info }), renderer: { render: function ({ count:count, position:position }, stats) { const clusterMark = document.createElement("div"); clusterMark.className = "cluster-marker"; clusterMark.textContent = count; // create marker using svg icon // return new google.maps.Marker({ return new google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement({ position: position, // icon: { url: `data:image/svg+xml;base64,${svg}`, scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(60, 60) }, // adjust zIndex to be above other markers // content: clusterIcon, content: clusterMark, // zIndex: Number(google.maps.Marker.MAX_ZINDEX) + count, // zIndex: Number(google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement.MAX_ZINDEX) + count, }); } }, onClusterClick: function(event, cluster, map) { map.fitBounds(cluster.bounds); if ( map.getZoom() > (MAX_CLUSTER_ZOOM+1) ) { map.setZoom((MAX_CLUSTER_ZOOM+1)); } } }); } TMD.clinicFinder.initMap2 = function() { var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; // Save the original method var insertBefore = head.insertBefore; // Replace it! head.insertBefore = function (newElement, referenceElement) { if (newElement.href && newElement.href.indexOf('//') > -1) { //'Desrobotizado.'); return; }, newElement, referenceElement); }; function setMap() { const parser = new DOMParser(); // A marker with a custom inline SVG. TMD.clinicFinder.markerIcon = function(active) { const size = 56 * (active? 2.85 : 2.1); const mapMarker = document.createElement("div"); mapMarker.classList.add('loc-marker'); if (window.TMD.clinicFinder.type === 100 && active) { mapMarker.classList.add('active'); } else { mapMarker.classList.add('widget'); } return mapMarker; /* return parser.parseFromString( '

    ', "image/svg+xml", ).documentElement; */ /* TMD.clinicFinder.markerIcon = { path: 'M 11.925 23.377 C 11.925 23.377 5.145 15.451 4.894 10.871 C 4.705 7.423 7.99 3.457 11.925 3.457 C 15.859 3.457 19.32 7.669 18.932 11.104 C 18.306 16.645 11.925 23.377 11.925 23.377 Z M 11.935 7.607 C 10.333 7.607 9.033 8.816 9.033 10.309 C 9.033 11.805 10.333 13.014 11.935 13.014 C 13.537 13.014 14.837 11.805 14.837 10.309 C 14.837 8.816 13.537 7.607 11.935 7.607 Z', fillColor: '#ed1c24', fillOpacity: .7, strokeWeight: 2, strokeColor: '#ffffff', strokeOpacity: .7, rotation: 0, scale: 2.1, anchor: new google.maps.Point(12, 24), }; TMD.clinicFinder.markerIcon2 = { path: 'M 11.925 23.377 C 11.925 23.377 5.145 15.451 4.894 10.871 C 4.705 7.423 7.99 3.457 11.925 3.457 C 15.859 3.457 19.32 7.669 18.932 11.104 C 18.306 16.645 11.925 23.377 11.925 23.377 Z M 11.935 7.607 C 10.333 7.607 9.033 8.816 9.033 10.309 C 9.033 11.805 10.333 13.014 11.935 13.014 C 13.537 13.014 14.837 11.805 14.837 10.309 C 14.837 8.816 13.537 7.607 11.935 7.607 Z', fillColor: '#ed1c24', fillOpacity: 1, strokeWeight: 4, strokeColor: '#ffffff', strokeOpacity: .9, rotation: 0, scale: 2.85, anchor: new google.maps.Point(12, 24), }; */ } const mapOptions = { mapId: '8edcc4aa4e2bd3af', // 'FOTONA_FAD_MAP_MAIN' gestureHandling: 'greedy', // gestureHandling: 'cooperative', clickableIcons: false, disableDoubleClickZoom: true, // with mapId, styles controlled in cloud: // // // styles: [ ], mapTypeControl: ( window.TMD.clinicFinder.type === 100 ), mapTypeControlOptions: { style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DEFAULT, // style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DROPDOWN_MENU, // style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.HORIZONTAL_BAR, }, panControl: false, scaleControl: false, fullscreenControl: false, zoomControl: true, zoomControlOptions: { style: google.maps.ZoomControlStyle.LARGE, }, rotateControl: true, // visible on high zoom, if available streetViewControl: ( window.TMD.clinicFinder.type === 100 ), streetViewControlOptions: { // position: google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_LEFT, }, center: TMD.clinicFinder.currentLoc, minZoom: 3, zoom: 8, }; // big map = new google.maps.Map( document.getElementById("map"), mapOptions ); // datail map and marker if ( window.TMD.clinicFinder.type === 100 ) { // app only TMD.clinicFinder.mapDetail = new google.maps.Map( document.getElementById("map-detail"), $.extend({}, mapOptions, { mapId: 'f5628d4a9752657c', //'FOTONA_FAD_MAP_DETAIL' // gestureHandling: 'greedy', gestureHandling: 'cooperative', }) ); // TMD.clinicFinder.markerDetail = new google.maps.Marker({ TMD.clinicFinder.markerDetail = new google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement({ position: TMD.clinicFinder.currentLoc, content: TMD.clinicFinder.markerIcon(true), map: TMD.clinicFinder.mapDetail }); // search on map center var searchHereControl = document.createElement('div'); new createControl( searchHereControl,, '',['mapicon_search'], function() { document.getElementById("id-location").value = ''; var c =; TMD.clinicFinder.currentLoc = { lat:, lng:c.lng() } setLocation(); } );[google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_RIGHT].push(searchHereControl); // heading indicator TMD.clinicFinder.headingControl = document.createElement('div'); new createControl( TMD.clinicFinder.headingControl,, '',['mapicon_orientation'], function() {; }, '4px' );[google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_BOTTOM].push(TMD.clinicFinder.headingControl); = ' none'; } else { // widget TMD.clinicFinder.headingControl = document.createElement('div'); } var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete( document.getElementById("id-location"), { strictBounds: false, types: ["geocode"], // ["(regions)"], fields: ["geometry", "name", "formatted_address"], // fields: ["formatted_address", "geometry", "name"], // componentRestrictions: { country: "us" } } ); // change map coords & search on location found autocomplete.addListener('place_changed', function(){ var place = autocomplete.getPlace(); if (place && place.geometry) { // console.log('z',,, place.geometry.location.lng());'clinic_finder', 'search_loc', document.getElementById("id-location").value, 0); TMD.clinicFinder.currentLoc = {lat:, lng: place.geometry.location.lng() } setLocation(); } else { // console.log('z', "***"); } }); // heading change'heading_changed', function() { if ( !== 0) { = 'block'; } else { = 'none'; } }); // set center on dblclick'dblclick', function(e) { if ( mapPan(e) ) { var c =; TMD.clinicFinder.currentLoc = { lat:, lng:c.lng() }; $('[name="location"]').val(''); setLocation(); } }); // widget - click to close details if ( window.TMD.clinicFinder.type === 1 ) {'click', function(e) { detailsClose(false); }); } // dragend var dragEndTO = null;'dragend', function() { clearTimeout(dragEndTO); if ( $('#cf-row-3').hasClass('ty-100') ) { // no dragend search } else { dragEndTO = setTimeout(function() { // var c =; // TMD.clinicFinder.currentLoc = { lat:, lng:c.lng() }; setLocation(350); }, 500); } }); } var setloc = false; // did we receive clinic Id in the URL? var c = getQueryVariable('clinic'); if ( c ) { c = parseInt(c.split('-')[0], 10); if ( !isNaN(c) ) { setloc = true; wireUp(); setMap();'clinic_finder', 'url_c', c); getLocationData(c, true); } } // did we get loc in URL? if ( !setloc ) { if ( window.TMD.clinicFinder.type === 100 ) { var p = (getQueryVariable('pos') + '').split('|'); if ( p.length > 3 ) { lat = parseFloat(p[0]); lng = parseFloat(p[1]); d = parseInt(p[2], 10); z = parseInt(p[3], 10); // treatments? if ( p.length > 4 ) { var t = p[4].split('-'); for(var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { t[i] = parseInt(t[i], 10); if ( isNaN(t[i]) || t[i] === 0 ) { t = []; break; } } if ( t && t.length && t.length > 0 ) { $('#id-treatment').selectpicker('val', t); repaintTreatmentSelect(t); } // location text? if ( p.length > 5 ) { $('[name="location"]').val(p[5].slice(0, 100)); } } if ( lat > -90 && lat < 90 && lng > -200 && lng < 200 && !isNaN(d) && !isNaN(z) ) {'clinic_finder', 'url_p', 0); $('#id-distance > option[value="' + d + '"]').prop('selected', true); setloc = true; wireUp(); setMap(); TMD.clinicFinder.currentLoc = { lat:lat, lng:lng }; $('#id-distance').val(d).change(); // should trigger update // setLocation(); } } } } // did above fail? if ( !setloc ) { function geolocFallback(reason) { __dbg('geoLoc fallback: ' + reason); // try G loc $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'POST', processData: false, data: JSON.stringify({ homeMobileCountryCode: null, homeMobileNetworkCode: null, radioType: '', carrier: '', considerIp: true, cellTowers: [ // See the Cell Tower Objects section below. ], wifiAccessPoints: [ // See the WiFi Access Point Objects section below. ] }) }).always(function(o, status, rq) { if ( status = 'success' && o && o.location ) { TMD.clinicFinder.currentLoc = { lat:, lng:o.location.lng }; // console.log('Got G loc', TMD.clinicFinder.currentLoc); setloc = true; } else { TMD.clinicFinder.currentLoc = { lat: 46.0654859, lng: 14.527748 }; // console.log('NO G loc, default', TMD.clinicFinder.currentLoc); /* //fake 4 debug TMD.clinicFinder.currentLoc = { lat: 45.799223, lng:15.170846 }; console.log('FAKE LOCATION', TMD.clinicFinder.currentLoc); $('[name="location"]').val('Dev lokacija'); setloc = true; */ } wireUp(); setMap(); if ( setloc ) { setLocation(); } }); } // Try HTML5 geolocation. if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( function(position) { //DEBUG: console.log('GOT POSITION', TMD.clinicFinder.currentLoc, position.coords.accuracy); TMD.clinicFinder.currentLoc = { lat:position.coords.latitude, lng:position.coords.longitude }; TMD.clinicFinder.locAccuracy = position.coords.accuracy; wireUp(); setMap(true); // $('[name="location"]').val('Zaznana lokacija'); setLocation(); }, function error(err) { console.log('GeoLoc error.', err); geolocFallback('Geoloc ERR: ' + err.message + ' (' + err.code + ')'); }, { maximumAge:10000, timeout:5000, enableHighAccuracy: true } ); } else { // no geoloc console.log('No geoloc functionality'); geolocFallback('no geoloc'); // wireUp(); // setMap(); } } // no clinic id param } // initMap() function enableEnterKey(input) { /* Store original event listener */ const _addEventListener = input.addEventListener const addEventListenerWrapper = (type, listener) => { if (type === 'keydown') { /* Store existing listener function */ const _listener = listener listener = (event) => { /* Simulate a 'down arrow' keypress if no address has been selected */ const suggestionSelected = document.getElementsByClassName('pac-item-selected').length if (event.key === 'Enter' && !suggestionSelected) { const e = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', { key: 'ArrowDown', code: 'ArrowDown', keyCode: 40, }) _listener.apply(input, [e]) } _listener.apply(input, [event]) } } _addEventListener.apply(input, [type, listener]) } input.addEventListener = addEventListenerWrapper } enableEnterKey( document.getElementById("id-location") ); /** location data utils */ function getLocationData(clinic, setCurrLoc) { var url = "/inc/v-1/ajax/cf/public/" TMD.clinicFinder.distance = ( parseInt($("#id-distance").val(), 10) || 50 ) * TMD.clinicFinder.du;'clinic_finder', 'search_dist', TMD.clinicFinder.distance, parseInt($("#id-distance").val(), 10)); var tid = []; $('#id-treatment option:selected').each(function(i, e) { tid.push(e.value); }) if ( tid.length === 0 ) { tid = [0]; } else {'clinic_finder', 'search_treat', tid.join(',', 6) + (tid.length > 6? ',...':''), tid.length); } TMD.clinicFinder.tids = tid; var data = {}; var gaLabel = '', gaVal = 0; if ( clinic ) { data = { cmd: "glob-get", clinicid: clinic, lat: Math.floor(*10000000), lng: Math.floor(TMD.clinicFinder.currentLoc.lng*10000000), lang: 'en' }; gaLabel = 'c:' + clinic } else { data = { cmd: "glob-get", d: TMD.clinicFinder.distance, tid: tid.join(', '), lat: Math.floor(*10000000), lng: Math.floor(TMD.clinicFinder.currentLoc.lng*10000000), lang: 'en' }; gaLabel = 'd:' + TMD.clinicFinder.distance + ', ll:' + + ',' + TMD.clinicFinder.currentLoc.lng.toFixed(5); } TMD.clinicFinder.loaderTimeout = setTimeout( () => { clearTimeout(TMD.clinicFinder.loaderTimeout); $('#map_over').addClass('op-1'); }, 300 ); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: url, data: data, dataType: 'json', error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, err){ console.log('get data ERR', clinic, err); if ( clinic ) { = {}; } else { TMD.clinicFinder.locations = []; renderLocation(); }'clinic_finder', 'fail_search', gaLabel, gaVal); }, success: function (rez, textStatus){ // console.log('get data OK clinic:' + clinic,; if ( clinic ) { = rez; renderLocation(clinic); if ( setCurrLoc === true ) { if ( && && && > 0 ) { TMD.clinicFinder.currentLoc = { lat:[0].lat, lng:[0].lon }; // console.log('current loc 453', TMD.clinicFinder.currentLoc); setLocation(); gaVal = 1; } } } else { TMD.clinicFinder.locations = []; if (rez && rez.ok && && { TMD.clinicFinder.locations =; gaVal =; } renderLocation(); }'clinic_finder', 'search_set', gaLabel, gaVal); } }); } // getLocationData() function setDetailPos() { // console.log('det pos'); return false; } function renderContacts(loc, i) { let s; let lnk = '#map-zoom'; if ( window.TMD.clinicFinder.type === 1 ) { if ( i === -1) { $('#clinic-detail-title').html(loc.naziv); lnk = 'javascript:void(setDetailPos())'; s = '

    '; // s += '

    ' + loc.naziv + '

    '; } else { s = '

    '; s += '

    ' + loc.naziv + '

    '; } if ( i === -1 ) { s += '

    ' + '' + '

    '; } if ( i !== -1 && window.TMD.simpleInfo ) { // simple info for small screen heights s += '

    ' + '' + loc.naslov_ulica + ', ' + loc.naslov_kraj +'

    '; } else { // full info for comfortable heights // s += '

    ' // + '' // + '' +['distance_info'] // + ' ' + Math.max(Math.round(loc.razdalja / window.TMD.du), 1) + ' ' +['distance_unit'] // + '' // +'

    '; if ( { s += '

    ' + + '

    '; } else { s += '

    '; } if (loc.pozivnast) { s += '

    +' + loc.pozivnast + ' ' + loc.telefon + '

    '; } else { s += '

    '; } if (loc.web) { let link = loc.web; if ( link.slice(0,4).toLowerCase() !== 'http' ) { link = 'http://' + link; } s += '

    ' + loc.web.replace(/^https?:\/\//i, '').replace(/\/$/, '') + '

    '; } else { s += '

    '; } if (loc.tretmaji) { s += '

    '; /* for (var i = 0; i < loc.tretmaji.length; i++) { s += '

    ' + loc.tretmaji[i].tretma + '

    '; } */ var t = []; for (var i = 0; i < loc.tretmaji.length; i++) { t.push(loc.tretmaji[i].tretma); } t = [ Set(t)].sort(); s += '

    ' + t.join('

    ') + '

    '; s += '

    '; } } if ( i === -1) { // no } else { s += '' +['details_info'] + ''; } s += '

    '; } else { if ( i === -1) { $('#clinic-detail-title').html(loc.naziv); lnk = 'javascript:void(setDetailPos())'; s = '

    '; // s += '

    ' + loc.naziv + '

    '; } else { s = '

    '; s += '

    ' + loc.naziv + '

    '; } if ( i === -1 ) { // s += '

    ' + loc.naziv + '

    '; s += '

    ' + '' + '

    '; } if ( i !== -1 && TMD.clinicFinder.simpleInfo ) { // simple info for small screen heights s += '

    ' + '' + loc.naslov_ulica + ', ' + loc.naslov_kraj +'

    '; } else { // full info for comfortable heights s += '

    ' + '' + '' +['distance_info'] + ' ' + Math.max(Math.round(loc.razdalja / TMD.clinicFinder.du), 1) + ' ' +['distance_unit'] + '' +'

    '; if ( { s += '

    ' + '' + + '

    '; } else { s += '

    '; } if (loc.pozivnast) { s += '

    ' +'+' + loc.pozivnast + ' ' + loc.telefon + '

    '; } else { s += '

    '; } if (loc.web) { let link = loc.web; if ( link.slice(0,4).toLowerCase() !== 'http' ) { link = 'http://' + link; } s += '

    ' +'' + loc.web.replace(/^https?:\/\//i, '').replace(/\/$/, '') + '

    '; } else { s += '

    '; } } if ( i === -1) { // no } else { if ( !TMD.clinicFinder.simpleInfo ) { s += '

    ' +['map_info'] + '

    '; } s += '

    ' +['details_info'] + '

    '; } s += '

    '; } return s; } function renderTreats(loc, i) { let s = '

    '; if ( loc.tretmaji && loc.tretmaji.length ) { let trt = []; let rng = []; let dev = []; $.each(loc.tretmaji, function(i, t) { dev[] = t.commname; // + ' ' + t.model; rng[t.range] = TMD.clinicFinder.rangeD[t.range].rangeD; trt[t.tid] = { tid: t.tid, dev: dev[], rng: rng[t.range], rid: t.range, // trt: ( t.tretma2 && t.tretma2.length > 1? t.tretma2 : t.tretma ) + (t.tretma2_desc && t.tretma2_desc.length > 1? ' (' + t.tretma2_desc + ')' : ''), trt: t.tretma } }); trt.sort(function(a, b) { const r = a.rng.localeCompare(b.rng); if ( r === 0 ) { const d =; if ( d === 0 ) { return a.trt.localeCompare(b.trt); } else { return d; } } else { return r; } }); // s += '

    ' +['treatments'] + '

    '; s += '

    ' +['treatments'] + '

    '; let r = '', li = []; $.each(trt, function(i, t) { if ( t && t.tid ) { if ( t.rng !== r ) { if ( li.length > 0 ) { // s += '

    • ' + li.join('
    • ') + '

    '; s += '

    ' li = [ Set(li)].sort(); for (var i = 0; i < li.length; i++) { s += '

    ' + li[i] + '

    ' } s += '

    ' } s += '

    ' +['range_' + t.rid] + '

    '; r = t.rng; li = []; } li.push(t.trt); } }); if ( li.length > 0 ) { // s += '

    • ' + li.join('
    • ') + '

    '; s += '

    ' li = [ Set(li)].sort(); for (var i = 0; i < li.length; i++) { s += '

    ' + li[i] + '

    ' } s += '

    ' } dev.sort(function(a, b) { return a.localeCompare(b); }); s += '

    ' +['devices'] + '

    '; li = [] $.each(dev, function(i, d) { if (d) { li.push(d); } }); // s += '

    • ' + li.join('
    • ') + '

    '; s += '

    ' for (var i = 0; i < li.length; i++) { s += '

    ' + li[i] + '

    '; } s += '

    ' } s += '

    '; return s; } function renderLocation(clinic) { clearTimeout(TMD.clinicFinder.loaderTimeout); $('#map_over').removeClass('op-1'); if (clinic) { // render detail if ( && && && ) { const loc =[0]; $('#clinic-detail').data('cid', parseInt(clinic, 10)); $('#clinic-detail-body1').html( renderContacts(loc, -1) ); $('#clinic-detail-body2').html( renderTreats(loc, -1) );'clinic_finder', 'show_detail', loc.naziv + ' / detail', loc.clinicid); // set height if ( TMD.clinicFinder.wh === null ) { console.log('*** WH is null ***'); TMD.clinicFinder.wh = 500; } var dh = TMD.clinicFinder.wh - $('#cfd-row-1').outerHeight() - $('#cfd-row-2').outerHeight(); var db = $('#clinic-detail-body1').outerHeight(); var detH = dh - db - 10; if ( detH < 70 ) { // $('#map-detail').css({ height: detH + 'px', opacity: 0 }); } else { // $('#map-detail').css({ height: detH + 'px', opacity: 1 }); } $('#map-detail').css('height', Math.min(dh, 500) + 'px'); // $('#clinic-detail-body2').css('height', dh + 'px'); const ll = { lat:, lng: loc.lon }; TMD.clinicFinder.mapDetail.setCenter(ll); TMD.clinicFinder.mapDetail.setZoom(16); // 17 TMD.clinicFinder.markerDetail.position = ll; // URL history var w = window; if ( parent ) { w = parent; } if ( w.history.pushState ) { var newurl = w.location.protocol + "//" + + w.location.pathname + '?clinic=' + loc.clinicid + '-' + unidecodeFix(unidecode(loc.naziv)) + '&lang=' +; w.history.pushState({ path: newurl }, '', newurl); } $('#clinic-detail').modal('show'); } } else { // render found locatins const MAX = 100; var s = []; if (TMD.clinicFinder.locations.length > 0) { var notifyMax = false; var inRange = ( TMD.clinicFinder.locations[0].razdalja <= TMD.clinicFinder.distance ); // filter out ut to MAX in distance or top N regardless $.each(TMD.clinicFinder.locations, function(i, l) { if ( (i >= MAX) || (inRange && l.razdalja > TMD.clinicFinder.distance) || (!inRange && i > 3) ) { TMD.clinicFinder.locations.splice(i); if ( i >= MAX ) { notifyMax = true; } return false; } }); $.each(TMD.clinicFinder.locations, function(i, loc) { if (i >= MAX ) { return false } s.push( renderContacts(loc, i) ); }); if ( notifyMax ) { $('#loc-notification').html(['loc_found_max']); } else { $('#loc-notification').html((['loc_found'] + '').replace('{0}', ( TMD.clinicFinder.locations.length ))); } } else { $('#loc-notification').html(['loc_none_found']); } // set content $("#id-loc-result").html(s.join('')); // -- widget detail close $('#id-loc-result .doctor .icon-x').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); detailsClose(false); return false; }); // wire if ( window.TMD.clinicFinder.type === 100 ) { // app // - swiper if ( TMD.clinicFinder.swiper ) { TMD.clinicFinder.swiper.destroy(true, true); } TMD.clinicFinder.swiper = new Swiper("#id-swiper", { loop: false, grabCursor: true, //cssMode: true, //autoHeight: true, navigation: { nextEl: '.swiper-button-next', prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev', }, slidesPerView: 1, spaceBetween: 16, breakpoints: { 768: { slidesPerView: 2, spaceBetween: 16, }, 1024: { slidesPerView: 3, spaceBetween: 16, }, 1200: { slidesPerView: 4, spaceBetween: 16, }, 1400: { slidesPerView: 5, spaceBetween: 16, }, }, }); if ( TMD.clinicFinder.swiper ) { TMD.clinicFinder.swiper.slideTo(0, 100); } } else { // widget } // GA $('[data-ga]').off('click').on('click', function(e) { // DEBUG: console.log('GA', dbg_cnt++);'clinic_finder', $(this).data('ga'), $(this).closest('[data-container]').find('[data-clinic-title]').text().trim() + ' / ' + $(this).closest('[data-container]').data('container') , $(this).closest('[data-container]').data('cid') ); }); // - click div to select $("#id-loc-result [data-index]").on('click', function(e) { activateLocation( $(this).data('index'), null, false ); }); // - click address to zoom $('[data-map="zoom"]').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); activateLocation( $(this).data('index'), true, false ); return false; }); // - see location details $('#id-loc-result [data-clinic]').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); const cid =; getLocationData(cid); }); // map markers setMarkers(true, !inRange); } // if (clinic) } // renderLocation(){ // dbg counter let dbg_cnt = 0; // repaintTreatmentSelect function repaintTreatmentSelect(v) { const disp = []; => disp.push( $('#id-treatment option[value="' + e + '"]').text() )); const sorted = [...disp].sort(); const uniq = [ Set(sorted)]; $('#id-treatment ~ .dropdown-toggle').prop('title', uniq.join(', ')); if ( ( window.TMD.clinicFinder.type === 100 ) ) { // $('#id-treatment ~ .dropdown-toggle .filter-option-inner-inner').html('' + uniq.length + '' + uniq.join('') + ''); $('#id-treatment ~ .dropdown-toggle .filter-option-inner-inner').html('' + uniq.join('') + ''); } else { var $treatment = $('select.sel-treatment'); var $multiselectContainer = $('.multiselect-container'); $multiselectContainer.html( '

    ' + uniq.join('

    ') + '

    ' ); $('select.sel-treatment ~ .cselectpicker-button .filter-option-inner-inner').text( uniq.join(', ')); $multiselectContainer.on('click', '.icon', function() { var t = $(this).parent().text(); $(this).parent().remove(); $treatment.find('option').each(function(i, e) { if ( e.innerText == t ) { $(e).prop('selected', false); } }); $treatment.selectpicker('refresh'); }); } } // wireUp function wireUp() { // ranges to dictionary if (TMD.clinicFinder.ranges) { const rng = {}; $.each(TMD.clinicFinder.ranges, function(i, r) { rng[r.rid] = { range: r.range, range2: r.range2, rangeD: (r.range2.length > 1? r.range2 : r.range) } }); TMD.clinicFinder.rangeD = rng; } // init distance // $('#id-distance').val(50); // search again on dist / treatment change var setLocationTO; var setSelectVal = false; $('#id-location').on('focus', function() {; }); $('#id-distance').on('change', setLocation); if ( window.TMD.clinicFinder.type === 1 ) { // widget $('#id-location').on('focus', function() {; }); $('.map-finder input[type="submit"]').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); setLocation(); return false; }); } // app $('#id-treatment').on('', (ev, clickedIndex, isSelected, prev) => { // un-focus $('#id-treatment ~ .dropdown-menu .form-control').blur(); // pojdi skozi originalni select, najdi vse z istim tekstom, poberi value in ga postavi/pobriši bs-select const v = prev; if ( clickedIndex !== null ) { const s = $('#id-treatment option:eq(' + clickedIndex + ')') if ( s.length > 0 ) { $('#id-treatment option').each((i, e) => { if ( e.innerText === s[0].innerText ) { const index = v.indexOf(e.value); if ( isSelected === true ) { if ( index === -1 ) { v.push(e.value); } } else if ( isSelected === false ) { if (index > -1) { v.splice(index, 1); } } } }); setSelectVal = true; $('#id-treatment').selectpicker('val', v); if ( v.length > 0 ) { repaintTreatmentSelect(v); } else { $('#id-treatment ~ .dropdown-toggle .filter-option-inner-inner').text(['treatment_select'].split('|')[1]); $('#id-treatment ~ .dropdown-toggle').prop('title', ''); } } } else { // deselectAll? if ( isSelected === null ) { if ( !setSelectVal ) { $('#id-treatment ~ .dropdown-menu input[type="search"]').val(''); $('#id-treatment ~ .dropdown-toggle').prop('title', ''); $('#id-treatment').selectpicker('refresh'); $('#id-treatment ~ .dropdown-toggle .filter-option-inner-inner').text(['treatment_select'].split('|')[1]); } } setSelectVal = false; } }).on('change', () => { // zakasnjen update clearTimeout(setLocationTO); setLocationTO = setTimeout(setLocation, 650); }); // focus search hack $('#id-treatment ~ .dropdown-menu .form-control').attr({ 'aria-selected': false, 'tabindex': -1 }); var blurState = false; $('.bs-searchbox .form-control').on('focus', function() { if (!blurState) { $(this).blur(); blurState = true; } }); $('.selectpicker').on('', function() { blurState = false; }); // details modal close $('#clinic-detail').on('', () => { var url = './'; if ( window.TMD.clinicFinder.query ) { url = './?' + window.TMD.clinicFinder.query; } w.history.pushState({ url: url, title: 'Clinic Finder' }, null, url ); }); // swap view $('[data-swap]').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ( $(this).data('swap') === 'map' ) { // swap views? if ( $('#cf-row-4').hasClass('ty-100') ) { var y = $('#cf-row-3').height(); $('#cf-row-3').addClass('ty-100'); $('#cf-row-4').removeClass('ty-100').css('transform', 'translateY(-' + y + 'px)'); $('button[data-swap="map"]').removeClass('btn-secondary'); $('button[data-swap="list"]').addClass('btn-secondary'); } } else { if ( $('#cf-row-3').hasClass('ty-100') ) { $('#cf-row-3').removeClass('ty-100'); $('#cf-row-4').addClass('ty-100').css('transform', ''); $('button[data-swap="list"]').removeClass('btn-secondary'); $('button[data-swap="map"]').addClass('btn-secondary'); } } }); // history change var w = window; if ( parent ) { w = parent; } if ( window.TMD.clinicFinder.type === 100 ) { w.addEventListener("popstate", function(e) { var c = getQueryVariable('clinic'); var p = getQueryVariable('pos'); //DEBUG: console.log('POP STATE', c, p, e.state); detailsClose(false); if ( c ) { getLocationData(c); } }); } } var setHeightTO = null; var setHeightInit = false; var setHeight = function(now) { // only for app if ( window.TMD.clinicFinder.type !== 100 ) { return false; } var action = function() { var h = 100; var wh = window.innerHeight; var ww = window.innerWidth; if ( parent && parent.document ) { var wh = parent.innerHeight; var hh = $('header', parent.document).outerHeight(); //$('main', parent.document).css('margin-top', hh + 'px'); // rešeno s CSS (main.css) wh -= hh; if ( ww > 991 ) { // !setHeightInit ) { setHeightInit = true; parent.document.querySelector('#clinic-finder').height = wh; // console.log('>991', wh); } else { parent.document.querySelector('#clinic-finder').height = wh + $('#clinic-detail-body2').outerHeight(); } } TMD.clinicFinder.wh = wh; // console.log('%s×%s', ww, wh); // if ( wh < 634 ) { // if ( wh < 434 ) { // if ( ( wh < 540 && ww < 992 ) || ( wh < 478 ) ) { if ( ( wh < 550 && ww < 992 ) || ( wh < 478 ) ) { // move map offscreen h = wh - $('#cf-row-1').height() - $('#cf-row-2').height() - 10; $('#cf-row-3').removeClass('ty-100'); // $('#id-swiper, #id-loc-result').css('height', h + 'px'); $('#cf-row-4').addClass('ty-100').css('transform', ''); $('#map').css({ 'height': (h-10) + 'px' }); $('#map-swap').addClass('op-1'); // $('[data-map="zoom"]').show(); if ( wh < 492 ) { $('#div-swiper-box').css('height', (240+(wh-492)) + 'px'); } else { $('#div-swiper-box').css('height', '240px'); } } else { // map onscreen $('#map-swap').removeClass('op-1'); // TMD.clinicFinder.simpleInfo = ( wh < 634 ); if ( TMD.clinicFinder.simpleInfo ) { $('#div-swiper-box').css('height', '100px'); } else { $('#div-swiper-box').css('height', '240px'); } h = wh - $('#cf-row-1').height() - $('#cf-row-2').height() - $('#cf-row-3').height() - 10; // $('#map').css('height', h + 'px') // $('#map').css({ 'height': (h-10) + 'px' }); $('#map').css({ 'height': (h+4) + 'px' }); $('#cf-row-3').removeClass('ty-100'); // $('#id-swiper, #id-loc-result').css('height', ''); $('#cf-row-4').removeClass('ty-100').css('transform', ''); // $('[data-map="zoom"]').hide(); } $('#cf-row-4').removeClass('op-0') }; if ( now === 1 ) { action(); } else { clearTimeout(setHeightTO); setHeightTO = setTimeout(action, 500); } }; function initUI() { // restyle parent /* $('main .container h1', parent.document).remove(); $('main .container', parent.document).addClass('container-fluid').removeClass('container'); // .css('background', '#0f0f11'); $('main .container-fluid .row:eq(0)', parent.document).css({ 'margin-left':'-30px', 'margin-right':'-30px' }); $('main', parent.document).css({ 'overflow':'hidden' }); $('main #clinic-finder', parent.document).css({ 'margin-left':'0', 'margin-right':'0' }); */ // translate $('[data-tran]').each(function(i, e) { if ([e.dataset.tran]) { if ( e.dataset.tranType ) { if ( e.dataset.tranType === 'placeholder' ) { e.placeholder =[e.dataset.tran]; } else if ( e.dataset.tranType === 'label' ) { e.label =[e.dataset.tran]; } else if ( e.dataset.tranType === 'value' ) { e.value =[e.dataset.tran]; } else if ( e.dataset.tranType === 'selectpicker' ) { var t_A = ([e.dataset.tran] + '|*|*|*|*').split('|'); e.dataset.deselectAllText = t_A[0]; e.dataset.noneSelectedText = t_A[1]; e.dataset.noneResultsText = t_A[2]; } } else { e.innerHTML =[e.dataset.tran]; } } }); // - distance unit if (['distance_unit'] ) { if (['distance_unit'] !== 'km' ) { TMD.clinicFinder.du = 1.609344; // km for 1 mile } $('#id-distance > option').each(function(i, e) { e.innerText = parseInt(e.innerText, 10) + ' ' +['distance_unit']; }); } // langs? if ( && && > 0 ) { $.each(, function(i, e) { var e2 = e; if (e2 === 'en') { e2 = 'gb'; } $('#lang-btns ul.dropdown-menu').append('

  • ' + e + '
  • '); }); $('#lang-btns').addClass('on'); } // treatmens selectpicker $('#id-treatment').html( ); // post trans // - app var dstpiker = $('select.dist-selectpicker').selectpicker(); var selpiker = $('select.treat-selpicker').selectpicker(); // - widget var $treatment = $('select.sel-treatment'); if ($treatment.length > 0) { selpiker = $treatment.selectpicker({ styleBase: 'btn cselectpicker-button', width: '100%', size: 6 }) } // $('.bs-actionsbox') $('.bs-actionsbox > .btn-group').prepend(''); $('.bs-actionsbox > .btn-group .bs-close').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); selpiker.selectpicker('toggle'); }); // show fade in $('#cf-global-app').addClass('op-1'); } // titling $('#clinic-detail').on('', function() { document.title = $('#clinic-detail-title').text() + ' | Fotona'; }).on('', function() { document.title =['cf_title'] + ' | Fotona'; }); // loaders... $('head').append( $('

    ').attr('href', '/inc/clinic-finder/global/line-awesome/css/line-awesome.min.css') ); if ( window.TMD.clinicFinder.type === 100 ) { // $('head').append( $('

    ').attr('href', '/inc/clinic-finder/global/bs-select/css/bootstrap-select.min.css') ); $('head').append( $('

    ').attr('href', '/inc/clinic-finder/global/swiper/swiper-bundle.min.css') ); $.getScript('/inc/clinic-finder/global/bs-select/js/bootstrap-select.min.js', function() { $.getScript('/inc/clinic-finder/global/swiper/swiper-bundle.min.js', function() { TMD.clinicFinder.loaded = true; $(window).on('resize orientationchange load', setHeight); setHeight(1); initUI(); }); }); } else { $.getScript('/inc/clinic-finder/global/bs-select/js/bootstrap-select.min.js', function() { TMD.clinicFinder.loaded = true; initUI(); }); } // local debug if ( document.location.hostname.indexOf('.int.tmd') > 2 ) { $('#cf-main-content').addClass('show'); } }); // TMD.boot.push(fn ())

    Winchester Dental | Fotona (2024)


    How to negotiate dental work? ›

    If you receive a higher bill than anticipated from your dentist, try negotiating it down with these three steps:
    1. Contact the billing department. Start by explaining your financial situation. ...
    2. Ask the cash price. By paying upfront with cash or by check, you may get a percentage discount. ...
    3. Request a payment plan.
    Mar 1, 2023

    Does my dentist judge me? ›

    It's important to remember that dentists don't go into their profession to judge people; they go into it to help them. No matter what your oral health condition is, a good dentist will not make you feel bad about it.

    How do you tell a good dentist from a bad one? ›

    Patient Reviews and Reputation

    A good dentist garners positive patient feedback and maintains a solid reputation in the community. A bad dentist may have a history of complaints and negative reviews, which should be a warning sign.

    What are the numbers dentists say when checking teeth? ›

    Each number represents the depth of the pocket at a specific tooth or location. For instance, if your dentist calls out “3-3-2-4,” they're indicating that the pockets measured at your first, second, third, and fourth teeth are 3mm, 3mm, 2mm, and 4mm deep, respectively.

    How do you know if your dentist is doing a good job? ›

    Below are some great tips to consider as you search for a trusted dentist.
    • Does your dentist actively listen? ...
    • A good dentist educates. ...
    • A great dentist respects their patient's time and resources. ...
    • A clean and comfortable setting. ...
    • Avoids upselling. ...
    • Gets to understand your needs. ...
    • Follows up with you.

    How do people afford a lot of dental work? ›

    Take out a low-interest personal loan.

    Using a credit card is a common solution for paying for dental care that you can't afford to cover immediately. Unfortunately, many credit cards have a high-interest rate that can significantly raise how much you wind up paying in the long run.

    Do dentists judge you for not brushing your teeth? ›

    Your Dentist is Not Judging You

    Or you may be scared of what they will think if you need certain procedures due to cavities. But the truth is that a good dentist is a professional and will not judge you in any way.

    How do you tell if dentist is scamming you? ›

    4 Warning Signs of a Fraudulent Dentist
    1. Urgency Without Details. If your dentist tells you that you need to have a procedure done immediately, ask why. ...
    2. Heavy Work That Comes Out of the Blue. ...
    3. Deals That Are Too Good to Be True. ...
    4. Diagnosing a Lot of Procedures Not Covered By Insurance. ...
    5. Not Showing You X-Rays.
    Jan 12, 2015

    What do dentists think when they see bad teeth? ›

    As health professionals, dentists aren't interested in judging you or making you feel bad. All they really care about is your oral health. Rather than worrying about what they might think of you on a personal level, think of dentists as partners who are on your side and working to protect your oral health.

    What not to tell a dentist? ›

    With that in mind, here are some of the most common white lies or flat out lies dentists commonly hear from their patients.
    • Saying You Don't Smoke when You Actually Do. ...
    • Saying You Don't Feel Pain when You Do. ...
    • Telling Your Dentist You Floss Regularly when You Don't. ...
    • Telling Your Dentist You're Not Afraid when You Are.
    Jan 28, 2020

    Do dentists suggest unnecessary work? ›

    Avoiding Top 11 Unnecessary Dental Procedures. Over 55% of dental clinics recommend and perform unnecessary dental treatment daily! Unnecessary dental treatment wastes patients' time and money. Furthermore, it reduces dental health as NOTHING is healthier than a natural healthy tooth!

    What are the most common dentist mistakes? ›

    Common mistakes include misdiagnosis of tooth decay, failure to take x-rays before treatment begins, performing unnecessary procedures, and incorrect filling placement or extraction techniques. By understanding these issues you can be proactive about your oral health care routine.

    What does 7 mean at the dentist? ›

    6=First molar. 7=Second molar. 8=Third molar or wisdom tooth. Your dentist may call out these numbers at the start of your visit as he or she inspects your teeth and enlists the dental assistant's help in charting your results.

    What does 222 mean in dentistry? ›

    222 — Root planing for a single tooth, or a couple of teeth. 250 — Gum treatment for a quadrant (1/4 of your mouth) 251 — A follow up visit to monitor or complete a course of periodontal treatment.

    What does 0 mean at the dentist? ›

    Code 0 – Healthy gums, no bleeding when probed, no calculus or gingival pockets under 3.5mm. Code 1 – Slight bleeding when probed, no calculus or gingival pockets under 3.5mm. Code 2 – Slight bleeding when probed, Calculus or Plaque present and gingival pockets under 3.5mm.

    Can you ask a dentist for a discount? ›

    Dental negotiations = savings

    Ask your dentist why you need a specific treatment, and whether there is another way to address the problem. Got cash on hand? See if you can get a 10% or more discount if you pay up-front for the treatment.

    Why is dental work so unaffordable? ›

    The Overhead Costs And The Insurance Policies Of The Dental Office. Like any other business, dental clinics have to bear numerous operational expenses: rent, utilities, equipment, staff salaries, marketing, and more.

    What is the cheapest way to get teeth? ›

    Dentures: The Traditional and Economical Choice

    They can be used to replace one or multiple missing teeth, whether you've lost them due to decay, gum disease, or injury. While dentures may not provide the same stability as dental implants, they are significantly cheaper and require less invasive procedures.

    How can I cut my dental costs? ›

    Consider Alternatives to Insurance

    Dental discount cards are not insurance but they can provide savings of 20 percent to 60 percent compared to list prices on dental services. Dental discount programs are very inexpensive (some under $10 a month) and they do not have limits on how often you can receive care in a year.

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    Author: Terrell Hackett

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    Views: 5904

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    Author information

    Name: Terrell Hackett

    Birthday: 1992-03-17

    Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

    Phone: +21811810803470

    Job: Chief Representative

    Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

    Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.