The Rose Paladin - RaineLemuria (2024)

Chapter 1: Wake Up Call

Chapter Text

Rosia groaned as she covered her ears with her pillow, trying to drown out her older brother’s rock music. DJ you dick! She growled as she dragged herself out of bed and stumbled out of her room towards her twin brothers’ room and banged on the door.

“DJ YOU f*ck OPEN THIS DOOR!” She commanded. The music lowered down a bit and the door opened. Eighteen-year-old DJ opened the door and grinned at his sister.

“Hey Ro, what’s up Sis?” DJ greeted. “You kiss Mom with that mouth?”

“Oh, don’t give me that sh*t!” Rosia growled. “I expect that from Val, Evan even Nero but you…you curse worse than Daddy! And this room stinks!!! Val knows about this?”

“No, he’s with Mom on a mission, Nero and Evan went with Dad.” DJ said. “I got done early before they went off.”

“So, I’m stuck with your lame ass?” Rosia groaned. “Great….”

“Listen Sissy, I am not too keen on it either, I wanted to take my bike for a spin and hit the beach…”

“You’re such a beach bum.” Rosia said with an eye roll. “When are you going to grow up?”

“Maybe never,” DJ grinned as he hugged her. “You know you love me.”

“Not right now I don’t, you stink!”

“That’s cold Ro!”

Rosia dodged as the drone tried to get her. She grunted and aimed a tanzanite-colored energy sword at it, destroying it immediately. She unsheathed Yamato and delivered a judgement cut on the others that tried to ambush her. She backflipped and landed perfectly, swept her hair back away from her face and smirked. She scored perfect ten again. Since she was six, she had trained along side her older brothers and nephew. She usually tag teamed with her elder brother, Evan, Vitale, or on rare occasions, their mother.

“Ro, what the hell?” DJ asked as he saw the destroyed drones. “Oh man, I just built these!”

“Well, if you would’ve come down to train, they’d be in one piece.” Rosia said evenly.

“Damn Ro, you just had to be like Mom huh?”

“One of us has to be able to keep you in check.”

“Well, it’s not you.” DJ said. “You’re only a kid!” Rosia whimpered and sighed.

“Why do you hate me so much?”

“I don’t hate you,” DJ said. “But you’re only twelve, there are just some things that are too dangerous for you.


“News flash, you ARE!” DJ thundered. “You know Dad would say the same thing!”

“Well Mommy and Daddy were fighting younger than us!”

“That was different!” DJ said. “They didn’t have a f*cking choice! Listen to me and listen good, times are different than they were. Mom, Dad and Nero told the stories. But I can’t even imagine how it was….”


“Look I may be a jerk, but when it comes down to it, I’m only looking out for you.”

“Do you have to be up my ass?”

“You don’t mind when Nero does it!”

“Because he’s not a jerk weed!” Rosia said. “He talks to me. You talk at me.

“He doesn’t treat you like a baby you mean?”

“He treats me like a fighter!

“Just, listen to me for once!

When they gathered for dinner, Rosia and DJ were having a stare off. Dante looked at them then at Vergil who was also studying the body language of their children.

“Did something happen while we were away?” Vergil asked calmly as he took a sip of his wine. Ro looked at her mother and sighed.

“DJ thinks I’m a baby, Mother.”

“Well Princess you are a youngling…”

“Mother, I can fight!”

“Ro, your mother is right,” Dante said calmly. “You’re just a kid Sweetpea….” Rosia growled and left the table, running up to her room, crying. Vergil looked at his husband who immediately went after their wayward daughter.

“Sweetpea?” He called as he knocked softly. “Is it ok to come in?” He heard soft sniffles and a soft ‘yes.’ before entering his daughter’s room.

“Hi Princess, want to talk about it?” Dante asked as he hugged his daughter. Rosia looked at her father and couldn’t stay angry with him. He was warm, careworn and she saw the fierce fatherly love in his eyes. He was handsome for one of his age, for he and her mother aged gracefully.

“Daddy, what happened? Why can’t I fight too?”

“Sweetpea,” Dante said. “We just want you and your brothers and nephew to enjoy being children. Of course, I must constantly remind DJ from time to time to wake up and grow up. But you, don’t grow up too fast.

“Daddy, was it really that bad for you and Mommy?”

“It was bad for Nero too. We just want the best for you four….” Dante said but was cut off to Vitale yelling at DJ.


“Val I can explain……”

“Can you really?!” They heard Vitale ask. They heard footsteps and then a yelp from DJ as Vitale walked over to the stereo and…..

“NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!” They heard DJ howled as Vitale smashed his stereo. This however scared Rosia.

“Daddy…..”She whimpered. Vergil ran into the room.

“What on Earth?!”

“Mommy!” Rosia sobbed as they heard smashes and bangs. Vergil walked over and held their daughter. Dante left Rosia to her mother as he went to check on the boys. Dante threw the door open and roared.

“BREAK IT UP!!!!!” He thundered. Vitale and DJ went at each other’s throats. He stomped over and separated the two. “You scared your sister!”

“Hey we heard noises!” Nero and Evan said as they entered the room. “Oh wow, what a zoo!”

“Wow it stinks!” Evan said.

“Nero, Evan, would you take Vitale out of the room please?” Dante asked in a tight voice. The father and son took the irate Devil Summoner out of the room. When that was done the parents looked at DJ.

“DJ, I understand what you were trying to do for your sister.” Dante said. “But this is out of hand.”


“No, you listen,” Dante said. “I told Rosia I wanted her to enjoy her childhood and teen years, as you boys have. Now, it’s time for you, Vitale and Evan to beat to a different drum.”


“You will go with Nero, by the end of the week, to Devil May Cry.” Dante said seriously. “You will be under my employ.” DJ gulped. Now, they were in for it.

Chapter 2: Just Like Her Mother

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Rosia watched as her older brothers and her nephew packed, she even helped Nero, Evan and Vitale. She tried to help DJ but when she saw his dirty magazines, she glared at him and called him a pig. Dante had to bite back his laughter as he escorted his daughter out.

“Sweetpea, why don’t you help your mother?”

“Yes Daddy.” Rosia said. “Daddy, why can’t I go with them?”

“Not yet Sweetpea,” Dante said fondly. “You still have a few years to go.”

“Daddy I understand you want me to have fun and live…but I can help in battle too….”

“Sweetpea I understand you want to be ready. We can train you as we have been. How’s Yamato working with you?”

“I love the sword. Yamato handles well. Was Yamato yours Daddy?”

“It was your mother’s, then Nero’s and now yours.” Dante said with a smile. “Our swords choose their bearers. Yamato chose your mother, chose your elder brother and chose you.”

“Who made the swords Daddy?”

“Your grandfather, many years ago.”

“What was he like?” She asked. Dante took a deep breath. Rosia saw he was upset. “Daddy I’m sorry…”

“No Sweetpea, it’s ok.” Dante said as they walked to the kitchen, where Vergil was cooking dinner. Rosia hugged her mother and kissed the Dark Slayer on the cheek before sneaking a dinner roll.

“Ah there’s my Princess,” Vergil chuckled. “Ah, I see you’re as bad as your father on this.”

“Sorry Mother I was hungry.” Rosia giggled. Vergil rolled his eyes and chuckled. He busted Dante at the sauce.

“Cremisi, use a spoon please. I don’t need breadcrumbs in my pasta sauce!”

“But…” Dante pleaded. Rosia giggled at the look her mother gave her father, who grinned sheepishly.

“Ok ok, I’ll get a spoon….ooo rainbow cookies!”

“Hands off! Dinner first!”

“Killjoy!” Dante pouted. Rosia giggled and while her parents weren’t looking, she snagged one.

“Are you boys packed up?” Dante asked at the dinner table. DJ nodded and tried to swipe his sister’s dinner roll but got a fork to the thigh.

“YEOWTCH RO! What the f*ck?!”

“Keep your hands on your own plate pal!” Rosia said smugly. Vitale and Evan snickered, and their parents chuckled.

“I feel bad for the dude that marries you.”

“Let’s not go there!” Dante said. “Jesus, DJ, your sister is only twelve.”

“Dad, you know she can’t be hidden forever.”

“Not forever,” Dante said. “Just until I’m dead.”

“Cremisi,” Vergil said softly. “He’s just saying that our Princess will eventually grow up and have her life.”

“I know I just….” Dante sighed. Rosia smiled fondly. She knew that was harder for the Devil Hunter. She was the baby of the house.

“Daddy, I’ll always be your baby.”

“I know Sweetpea.” Dante said as he patted her hand. “It’s just a bit hard on me that’s all. Your mother and I are saying goodbye to four of you.”

“Dad, we’ll visit.”

“I know, just don’t drive Nero nuts. He is to be my eyes and ears when it comes to you and Vitale. Evan is pretty even keel so no worries there.”

“Daddy, can we visit them?” Rosia asked. “I’ve never seen the office.”

“Sure, we can Sweetpea.” Dante said as he helped Vergil with the clearing of the table for dessert. “I don’t see the harm in that.”

“It is a splendid idea.” Vergil said. “That way we can make sure things are in order." He gasped as he remembered something. “And DJ, no going to that infernal gentleman’s club.”

“Gentleman’s club?” DJ asked, his interest caught.

“Oh, I completely forgot about that!” Dante said. “Excuse me I have to make a few calls.” DJ gaped as he watched his father excuse himself and go to the phone.

“What’s a gentleman’s club?” Rosia asked.

“Not a place to be.” Vergil said as he hugged his daughter before setting down her dessert.

“Thank you, Mother…DJ, I’m ready with the fork.”

“I ain’t crazy.” Her brother said. “I got my own.”

Nero hugged Rosia warmly before he set her down and took a knee.

“Ro, I want you to do me a favor ok?”

“Sure Nero,” Rosia said with a smile. She loved her elder brother.

“Watch over our parents for me?”

“You got it!”

“Love you Kiddo!”

“Love you all too! Even you, Doofus!”

“Right back at ye Ro!” DJ called from the back seat. Vitale chuckled and Evan snickered. Nero hugged their parents.

“We’ll call when we get there.”

“You better,” Vergil warned half-heartedly. Dante chuckled as he hugged the younger Devil Hunter and gave him the keys.

“The ledger in the left-hand drawer, it’s already keyed to you. I made sure of that long ago.”

“Thanks, Old Man, love you.”

“Love you too Kid. Take care of yourself and each other. Don’t make me come down to kick your asses.” Rosia giggled and Vergil chuckled.

“You’re dreaming Old Man, remember I kicked yours.

“You got lucky!” Dante laughed. Nero grinned then got into the driver’s seat. The kids waved before driving away.

“Come darling, it’s time for you to get ready for bed.” Vergil said softly when they couldn’t see the car anymore.

“Will they be alright Mommy?”

“I’m sure they’ll be just fine.” Vergil said.

“They’ll be ok Sweetpea, they’re in good hands. Nero’s got this.” Rosia nodded and followed her parents into the Manor. She was still upset that she couldn’t go with them. But that didn’t mean that she didn’t have a plan.

As her parents tucked her in and kissed her goodnight, Ro’s mind went to work as she drifted to sleep. She wasn’t going to leave right away; it would’ve been too obvious. She decided to bide her time. She decided to take her parents on their offer on sparring. It would keep her skills sharp. I’ll wait, I’ll train, I will become stronger and when I’m ready, I will show them what I can do.

The older devils were in the living room, relaxing on the couch with their respected drinks by the fire. Dante chuckled as he held his beloved.

“Wow, it’s too quiet.”

“It is Cremisi, but we have one nestling left.”

“Yea, she’s like you Sweetheart.”

“I’ve noticed that.” Vergil chuckled as he sipped his wine. “But it isn’t something to worry about, she’s more like you on what is right and wrong.”

“Yea but she wants to prove herself.” Dante said. “I just don’t want her doing something reckless.”

“I understand Cremisi and neither do I.” Vergil said. “Perhaps we can talk to her. Prepare her for what’s to be expected. She similar in mentality to Vitale.”

“This is true, but her temper is where I worry.” Dante admitted. “It’s how yours used to be.”

“We will talk to her in the morning.” Vergil said with an understanding nod before finishing his wine and laying back on the couch. Dante purred and leaned down, capturing the Dark Slayer’s lips with his in a kiss before making out by the fire. They’ll be fine. Dante thought as he nibbled on the elder’s neck. But it’s our Princess I’ll have to watch for. She’s just like her mother….

Chapter 3: Breaking Up The Bullsh*t

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Rosia woke up and after getting dressed and waking up, ran as soon as she heard the phone ring. She giggled and ran to get it.


“Hey kiddo!”

“Nero!” Rosia chirped happily. “Did you guys get settled in ok?”

“Had to break up a fight between DJ and Vitale but other than that it was ok. What are you doing up so early?”

“I have school silly!”

“Oh right!” Nero laughed. “So where are the Old Man and Father?”

“I…” She looked up when she saw a shadow and saw her father grinning. “Hi Daddy!”

“Hi Sweetpea, is that Nero?”

“Yes, here you go.” Rosia giggled. “And DJ and Vitale fought again!”

“Seriously?” Dante sighed as he took the phone. “Hi Kid,”

“Hey Old Man,” Nero said. “As I was telling Ro, aside from the fight, we settled in.”

“Why were they fighting?”

“Vitale wanted his own room, DJ stole it.”

“Oi that boy,” Dante groaned. “I’ll be there shortly.” Rosia got her bookbag and went to the kitchen and greeted her mother.

“Good morning Mother,”

“Good morning Princess,” Vergil said with a smile as Rosia kissed his cheek. “Feeling better?”

“A bit.”

“Your father and I want to talk to you. So, afterschool, before we begin lessons, we will. We feel it’s necessary.”

“Yes Mother,” Rosia said as she saw the concern in her mother’s eyes.

“Princess, I beg you, listen to your father and to me. We are not saying to stop being who you are but, we’re asking you to heed us. Right now, clear your mind,” He cupped her face gently and kissed her forehead. “And worry about school.”

“Mother, how am I getting to school?”

“DJ and Vitale got into it again.” Dante said with a sigh. “I’m going have to break them up.”

“Again?” Vergil asked. “I am extremely disappointed. Cremisi, I’ll take princess to school while you deal with them.”

“Ok,” Dante whispered before kissing his beloved and hugging their daughter, kissing her on her forehead.

“Have a good day in school Sweetpea.” Dante said lovingly. Rosia waved goodbye to her father.

“Bye Daddy!”

“Come my darling, we can’t be late.” Vergil said as he led their daughter out. Rosia followed her mother but blinked when they stopped at the front of the Manor.

“Mother, how….?”

“Give me Yamato my darling,” Vergil ordered gently. Rosia nodded and handed her sword over. Vergil unsheathed the blade and slashed a portal. Rosia blinked in surprise before gasping in fear. “Don’t fear, it’s safe with me.” Rosia held her mother’s hand and went through the portal.

Dante landed in front of Devil May Cry and he wasn’t happy. Once again, he had to break up a fight between his twin sons. Ironically, he felt like his father! He entered the office and Nero greeted him.

“Old Man, thank you for coming.”

“No problem Kid,” Dante sighed. “Vergil is taking Ro to school…. I should be there too…. where are they?”



“Shut up and get your asses down here now…” Dante growled. DJ and Vitale made their way down and sat down on the couch. Both were bruised and battered.

“Why the f*ck am I here and not with your mother and your sister on her first day of middle school?” Dante growled. “Because you TWO, want to brawl over stupid sh*t!!!”

“But Father he stole my room!”

“Who the hell said it was yours? Did it have your name on it?!”

“It had my stuff in it, you dolt!!!”

“ENOUGH!!” Dante thundered. “Listen to me, this is a family business. I STARTED THIS WITH MY OWN HANDS AND I REFUSE FOR TWO OF MY OWN SONS TO f*ck IT UP!!!!”

Both young men put their heads down in shame. They knew the story of how Devil May Cry came to be. A lot of their father’s sweat and blood went into the business. As did Nero’s.

“You two forget what your mother and I went through. As well as your older brother. We protected you from that hell. You best wake the f*ck up because at the end of it all, it’s just this family standing! Your mother and I have to have a talk with Ro after school because you know what, your sister is displaying behavior similar to your mother’s younger days. I will NOT have history repeated! It practically killed me when your mother took that plunge, when he became corrupted, when he grew that tree….NO!” Dante bit back tears. Vitale got up and hugged his father.

“Father, I’m sorry….”

“Show me, by learning from this!” Dante said. “Show us….”

“Yes Father….”

“You got it Dad, we’re sorry….”

“If Nero tells me one more incident, I swear to god, I’m kicking both of your asses.” Dante said with a growl, his eyes full on demonic, his Sin trigger under his skin. The twins gulped and nodded. Nero and Evan were still. Dante turned to them and smiled.

“How are you settling in Ev?”

“Doing better Grandpa.”

“Good, I’ll be back in two weeks.” Dante said. “Kid if anything, you call me.”

“You got it Old Man. Give our love to Father and Ro.”

“Of course, I will. I got to get back home.” Dante said, walking out and Sin triggering, taking to the air.

“See you in two weeks Old Man!” Nero called as he and Evan waved.

Vergil smiled fondly as his husband landed on the balcony of their bedroom. He had taken their daughter to school and returned home after saying goodbye. He then decided to read in their bedroom, for reading calmed and helped him think. When he saw Dante, he set his book down and went out to greet him, having the Red Sin’s wings wrap around him tenderly. Vergil giggled and hugged his husband as the Red Sin nuzzled him and crooned.

“How did it go Cremisi?” He asked. Dante released his Sin trigger, wrapping his arms around the elder.

“We’re going to have to talk to all of them.” Dante said. “DJ and Vitale were fighting over bullsh*t.”

“Then when we pick up our Princess, we will go there and wake them up to reality.”

“Sounds like a plan Sweetheart.” Dante said. “The sooner the better.”

Chapter 4: Where Our Story Begins

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Rosia greeted her parents as soon as she was dismissed from school. She enjoyed the lessons, but the kids were just as annoying as her older brother. They were either too rowdy, yapped too much or just didn’t care to learn.

“Hey Sweetpea,” Her father greeted as he hugged her. “How was school?” Rosia smiled and hugged her mother, kissing the Dark Slayer’s cheek tenderly before regarding her father.

“The lessons were good but Daddy, can I change to another class?”

“Did someone hurt you?” The Devil Hunter asked, ready to kick anyone’s ass.

“No Daddy,” Rosia said as she saw that her father was tensing. “But they were as annoying as DJ.” At this, her father let out a booming laugh.

“Ah Sweetpea, you have to learn to deal, just like you do with your brother.”

“But they didn’t want to learn at all.”

“Ok, I’ll fix that, don’t you worry. Now come on, we’re going to visit your brothers and nephew.”

“We’re going to Devil May Cry?” Rosia asked excitedly as she climbed into the backseat of the car. Dante and Vergil smiled at her energy.

“Yes Princess, we’re going to see them there. It’s best to speak with all of you.” Rosia blinked as she remembered her mother’s earlier conversation.


“Sweetpea, you’re not in trouble, neither is Evan or Nero. But it’s best to talk to you kids, to make sure you all stay out of trouble.

“I guess that works.” Rosia said. “Mother should I do my homework now?”

“Yes, my darling, unless you feel carsick.”

“No Mother, I feel fine.” Rosia said as she read her book and started on her math problems and Italian.

“Sweetheart, what did you have in mind? Should I just punish them with hours of sparring?”

“No Cremisi.” Vergil said as he held Dante’s free hand in his. “It would be beneficial if we told and showed them.” Dante looked at his beloved in concern.

“Are you sure Sweetheart?” He asked. “Some parts may be opening old wounds….”

“Cremisi, I know you’re trying to protect me, and I love you for it. But they need to know, and to not forget.”

“When you’re right, you’re right.” Dante said with a sigh before kissing Vergil’s hand. “And I love you no matter what.”

“Old Man, Father, hey Kiddo!” Nero greeted as they came into the office. He hugged them each warmly.

“Hey Kid, where are the double trouble?” Dante asked as he hugged Evan warmly. “And how are you Ev?”

“I’m good Grandpa, hi Aunt Ro, hello Grandmother.”

“I put them to do drills for the bullsh*t they pulled.” Nero said as he crossed his arms, wincing as his father cleared his throat. He didn’t approve of the language around Ro.

“Hi Ev!” Rosia said with a smile as she hugged her nephew. Vergil and Dante smiled then prepared for the kids.

“Kids, why don’t you help me with snacks?” Dante asked. “Sweetheart, need anything?”

“A tall-mirror Cremisi, please...” Vergil said as he set the spell book down. Dante looked at his beloved and grinned.

“I have just the thing.”

In fact, the mirror that Dante produced from his old bedroom, (which Nero currently occupied), was the perfect choice. It was Sparda’s personal mirror that once stood in their father's study and miraculously, it too, survived the blaze. It had been used for scrying and teleporting between worlds. Dante took care to lock away the demon world from entering through the mirror but allow them to go in if it was necessary, keyed solely to the direct bloodline and with Dante's permission. Otherwise, it was used as a scrying glass and to project images a spell caster wished for them to see or memory… To ordinary folk, it was an antique mirror....

“Oh wow, we’re going to watch a movie?” DJ asked as he plopped onto the couch next to Ro and ruffled her hair. She growled and glared. Like her older brother Vitale, she hated when people messed with her hair!

“In a way,” Vergil said softly, sitting at the edge of Dante’s old desk. “We are here to wake you children up.”

“You mean because of us fighting, Mom?”

“That’s partially correct.” Vergil said as Dante sat down and put his feet up on his desk but giving Vergil plenty of room. “We are also here to have you heed what we have to say. We are not going to be around forever, but you need to be prepared for what is out there…”

“And not in love with a legend.” Dante added. “Kids, you don’t understand the hardship we three went through.” He looked to Vergil and Nero. “You kids are in love with the legend, not fully understanding what went on behind it all.”

“For instance, DJ, you idolize your father so much that you are trying to be like him. Rosia, my darling, you’re trying to be me. But we were not the best to look up to in our youths. And you two,” He pointed to DJ and Vitale, “Have to cease your feud now.”

“Why are you two at each other’s throats in the first place?”

“He’s such a Cretan.” Vitale said. DJ’s jaw gaped.

“And he’s such a nerd!”

“You two have to stop this.” Dante said with a groan. “Vitale, I’m very pissed at you. You’re the oldest, second to Nero and you can’t rise above such bull…?”

“Father, you’re right of course.” Vitale said. Rosia snuggled onto her older brother. Vitale chuckled and hugged her.

“You have to set an example for them without lording it.” Dante said. “Vitale, you’re smart like your mother, but also, like Ro, you have that mean streak. I’m telling you, just as I told her, you need to control that. Do NOT let it control you.” Vitale tilted his head as did Rosia.

“And as for you my headstrong Champ, you have to slow down.” Dante said. “Open your ears, your mind and heart.”

“Dad, I….”

“Hear me boy…. your mother and I have our regrets. We don’t want you to forget who you are, and where you come from. But we need you to be smart about it. We are not human. We, as your grandfather and great grandfather before us, are here to protect this plane and the plane of the Underworld.”

“Planes?” Rosia asked curiously.

“Underworld?” DJ, Vitale and Evan asked. Dante looked to Nero and Vergil who prepped the mirror and waited for the older Devil Hunter.

“There are two worlds.” Dante explained as he rose to his feet and made his way over to the mirror, removing his glove and slashing his palm. “The World of Light, where we are,” He placed his blooded hand over the other two prints. “And the World of Dark, better known as the Underworld. And it’s there, where our story begins.”

Chapter 5: Truth Behind the Legend 1

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The kids gasped softly when the mirror swirled to show an image. It was a demon with ram horns, heavily armored with insect wings, hooves and a wicked looking yet familiar sword…..

“Dad…isn’t that the Sparda sword?!”

“That’s right.” Dante said. “This is your grandfather’s/great grandfather’s demon form. His name was Sparda.”

“So, he named a sword after himself?” DJ asked. “That’s kind of douchie.” They heard Vergil giggle and Nero snicker. Dante allowed a small smile to grace his lips but cleared his throat.

“Yea, he did Champ but there wasn’t much choice on the matter. It’s not like he had a dictionary on him.” Dante laughed. “Anyway, Sparda was born in the Underworld and to put it in lame man’s terms, he had his head up his demonic ass to what was going on in his homeland.”

“Cremisi….” Vergil reminded the Hunter. Dante sighed and nodded, keeping his anger in check.

“You see the Underworld was ruled by a entity who called himself Emperor. His only son, the Demon Prince Mundus, grew this ugly ass tree formally called the Tree of Evil….”

“The Quilopoth,” Vergil supplied gently.

“Thanks Sweetheart, I keep forgetting, want to take over a bit?”

“Of course,” Vergil said tenderly as he and Dante switched places. “The Quilopoth, is grown from blood sacrifice, majorly human. It bears a single fruit. Once it blooms, the fruit can be eaten and the one who consumes it, would be endowed with the right to the Demon Throne and become Ruler of the Underworld. Mundus grew this to overthrow his father. It worked and he murdered his father once he consumed the fruit and assumed the throne. But what woke your grandfather/great grandfather up, was the cruelty he beheld and the heartless cold-blooded act of murder.”

Rosia whimpered and held onto Vitale. The Devil Summoner held her and soothed her. As did DJ, Nero, and Evan. Dante waved a hand and dismissed the image.

“Let’s take a break here.” Dante said gently as he held them. Vergil held their youngest and kissed her cheek.

“It’s alright my darling, you’re safe.” Vergil crooned. He held her and Rosia hugged her mother then her father.

“Sweetpea, it’s ok, we’re here, ok? The images that you see in the mirror, are just memories.”

“Will they hurt us Daddy?”

“Never again,” Dante said softly. “Sweetpea, you, your brothers and your nephew, you’re our legacy. And we love you all very much. It’s ok to want to be strong like us, to battle with us, but we don’t want you to lose yourselves.”

“This is why your father, and I are you showing you this.” Vergil said gently. “Nero also has been through a lot as well and he is also helping.”

“For you all to learn and to understand what it is to be a Sparda.” Dante said. “You can be proud, but you can’t be all ‘Look at me I’m this so bow to me or I’ll kick your ass.’”

“Subtle much Cremisi?”

“Sorry Sweetheart, but we both apply to that one.” Dante said as he held his beloved. Vergil rolled his eyes and sighed. He couldn’t stay angry at the Hunter.

“Grr, I hate it when you’re right!” Vergil teased. Dante chuckled.

“I’m up one!” He laughed and Vergil waved him off. Rosia giggled. She loved her parents. They knew how to make her feel better.


“Yea Champ?”

“Um, that was…. what you showed us….”

“Yea Champ, that was real.” Dante said. DJ’s eyes widened as he gripped the kitchen counter looking pale. Vitale and Evan fared no better. “There is more to tell but we will not continue today.” Dante said. “I want you four to think. We are not like other people. We must be at the ready. It’s not an easy path for us. But, we are trying to make sure that you four are aware. Now, while we’re still here, how about I order us some pizzas?”

“Oh, hell yea!” DJ cried happily. “Dibs on the cheeseburger!”

“No way Doofus, that’s mine!” Rosia growled playfully as she jumped onto his back. DJ laughed and gave her a piggyback ride. Vitale and Evan chuckled. Nero smiled as Dante placed the order.

Rosia fell asleep between her parents as her older brothers and nephew were talking over pizza. DJ was blinking.

“Wow, this is serious sh*t….” DJ said as he sat back. Evan and Vitale nodded. DJ looked to their sister who was sleeping between their parents and being soothed by both devils.

“And we’ve been arguing over stupid sh*t….” He said as he put down his slice of pizza. “I…I got to take a lap.” He went outside, triggered, and took to the air. Flying always helped him to think. He flew to the Manor and perched on the roof.

“Quite a view isn’t it Champ?” Dante asked as he landed next to DJ.

“Dad I…..”

“Shhh, I know, it’s a lot to take in. Your mother and I suspected this.”

“All that….and it was just the beginning…..”

“I know, but we figured you kids could handle it. Ro’s with your mother, brothers and nephew. How about we take a lap together then return to them hm?”

“Ok.” DJ said as he accepted the Red Sin’s help to his feet. They flew around the Manor and the lake before returning to Devil May Cry.

“Campione,” Vergil greeted as he hugged DJ. DJ hugged his mother tightly.


“Hush now…..It’s alright. You all get ready for bed. After school tomorrow, we will continue this.”

“Ok, goodnight Mom, goodnight Dad.”

“Goodnight Champ.” Dante said as Vergil hugged him and kissed his forehead.

“Campione, please clear your mind but just remember to heed what was said.”

“Yes Mom.” DJ said as he went upstairs, leaving the older devils alone. Dante thanked Nero as he handed him a scotch on the rocks and Vergil a glass of wine.

“Oh thank you Child.”

“You’re both welcome, but wow, that nifty mirror comes in handy, where did you get it Old Man?”

“That’s a story in itself.” Dante said. “But long story short, I came across it in one of my missions. Sid that son of a bitch, had found the mirror in the old ruins and tried to sell it on the black market. So, I interfered and rather than have trouble, the owner of the establishment gave the mirror to me, free of charge.”

“That’s a sweet deal Old Man.”

“Oh, it got sweeter,” Dante said after he took a sip of his drink. “The owner agreed that any other artifacts or personal things pertaining to Sparda and the family, would go directly to me, no questions asked.”

“That’s a really sweet deal.” Nero said. “And what happened to that Sid guy?”

“I killed him later on.” Dante said. “He turned out to be serious trouble.”

“Cremisi, you’ve given Father a run for his money more than once.”

“Yea, thing is, I never wanted it.” Dante said as he put his glass down. “You, our kids, our grandson, I’m happy. Don’t get me wrong I love hunting Devils. But I’m happy to return from missions to a loving family and a warm home.”

“And we’re happy to have you home Cremisi.” Vergil said as he hugged the Hunter. Nero smiled. Even though their children were getting older, their love just grew stronger. He gently picked up Ro, who was still asleep between her parents and smiled.

“You guys stay put, I’ll put her to bed and retire for the night myself. Goodnight.”

“Good night Kid.” Dante said with a smile. Vergil nodded.

“Goodnight Child,” The Dark Slayer said warmly. Nero looked at his father and nodded.

“Goodnight, Father.” He said as he walked upstairs with the girl in his arms. Dante and Vergil sighed and sat back on the couch.

“Cremisi, will our children be all right? Will they be able to take what’s next?”

“Sweetheart, we have strong kids.” Dante said comfortingly. “But we’ll take it easy with them, introduce it gradually.”

“That sounds sensible.” Vergil said as he rested his head against Dante’s shoulder. “How far we’ve come….”

“Yea, it seems like a lifetime ago, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, it does. Cremisi?”

“Yes Sweetheart?”

“Let’s go to bed.”

“Oo, don’t have to tell me twice!”

Chapter 6: Thoughts, School and Familiars Oh MY!

Chapter Text

The Devil children made their way downstairs the next morning, all having their own thoughts about what their parents showed them in the mirror. The older children were deep in thought and Rosia, although unnerved by what she had seen, had questions.


“I don’t want to talk about it, Ro.” He said firmly, as he went back to his breakfast. She turned to Vitale and Evan, who got the hint.

“DJ, you can't deny this,” Vitale said. “You can’t hide from what we’ve seen and what we were told.”

“I’m not denying I just don’t want to talk about it.” DJ said. “Is that a f*cking problem?

“No, but it’s best that we talk about it, if not for our sakes, for Ro’s.” Vitale said. “She has questions and since we have been here longer, aside from our parents and Nero, we should do our best to answer them.”

“Look Val, you want to do that, that’s fine, as for me, I’ll catch ya’ll later at school.” DJ said as he grabbed his biker jacket and bookbag and slipped a piece of toast between his teeth before heading out. Vitale and Evan looked at each other then at Ro.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean….”

“Ro, it’s fine.” Evan said. “You know DJ, he can be a real dick. Give him some time, Ok? Any questions, you can ask me and Val.”


“Well, we best hurry, or we’ll be late.” Vitale said as he helped Rosia with her bookbag and helped her down. “Since your school is above ours, we’ll take you to school.”

“Ok!” Rosia said as she went with her older brother and her nephew. Their parents came downstairs to see them off.

“Where’s DJ?” Nero asked.

“He went ahead Dad,” Evan said. “He needed to clear his head.”

“I can understand that.” Dante said. “You guys are taking Ro?”

“Yes Father, since her school is above ours, I felt it sensible.” Vitale said. Dante and Vergil nodded before they hugged and kissed their baby.

“Have a good day Sweetpea!”

“Goodbye my darling.”

“Boys, watch out for her. And keep me posted on DJ’s behavior ok?”

“You got it!” Evan said as he handed Vitale the keys to Nero’s car, which the Devil Summoner took and led the other two out.

“Hey! Did they steal my car?” Nero asked with a laugh. Dante and Vergil laughed richly. The elder laughed again. “Old Man, we got to get these kids their own cars.”

“DJ has his motorcycle, he’s set.”

“But Evan and Vitale don’t. I just got carjacked!”

“You got a date?”


“Ok then you’re cool, plus, you can fly remember?”

“Oh yea….”

DJ blazed down the road to school. He could’ve easily taken the practical route, as he was sure his older brother was doing. Even though it was just the beginning of the story, he knew there was a lot more serious sh*t behind the tale. He felt bad for speaking to Rosia as he did. She was only twelve and like any twelve-year-old she had questions. Vitale and Evan were right to tell him so. But he couldn’t explain why he felt there was more to the story. Something deep and dark....His thoughts were shaken clear when he heard the school bell. Oh sh*t! He thought. I’m going to be late! He sped up the bike and blazed down faster, using a partial Trigger before the second bell, parked his bike and ran inside.

“Dude, where were you?” Evan whispered. “And you got a freaking chipmunk in your bag!”

“Say what?” DJ whispered and laughed when he saw the chipmunk. It was a bit dazed, but it looked at DJ and chittered at him. “Hey no one told you to be climbing at the time I was blazing!” Evan snickered and tapped Vitale, pointing to the chipmunk.

“What on Earth? I thought we said no hitchhikers.” The elder teased as he chuckled. DJ flipped him and set the chipmunk to the side with some food and water, deciding it would make a good pet for Ro. She loved animals. The teacher didn’t mind in the least that there was a tiny furry student in attendance.

At lunch time the kids gathered, and DJ showed his sister the chipmunk. Ro cooed and gently placed it onto her shoulder.

“Got a name for him?” DJ grinned. Rosia thought as she handed the hungry chipmunk his third raspberry.

“I’ll call him Ras.” She said with a smile. “After his favorite food.”

“That’s cool! Just keep him away from Criox.” DJ warned. “He might find Ras tasty.”

“That’s cold man,” Griffon said. “That’s your sister’s new pet.”

“I’m just saying the truth.” DJ said. Vitale sighed and gathered Ras into his hand and placed him in front of Shadow, Croix, and Griffon, who just sniffed and looked at the newcomer.

“This is no ordinary chipmunk.” Griffon said. “It's a familiar.”

“Really?!” DJ asked. Vitale and Evan were intrigued.

“Yea, a nature familiar.”

“He’s cute no matter what!” Ro said as she hugged Ras gently. Her brothers and nephew smiled, and they all enjoyed their lunch break.

“Ro, I’m sorry for the way I acted at breakfast. I was a dick. You forgive me?”

“Sure. Love you Doofus,” Ro said as she playfully stuck her tongue at him.

“Right back at ye!” DJ laughed as he gathered her into his arms and ruffled her hair.


When dismissal arrived, Dante and Vergil were waiting. Rosia ran to greet them, hugging them both and Ras chittered at them. Vergil let out a startled yelp while Dante laughed.

“Well, where did he come from?” The Hunter chuckled as he held Ras in his hand. “I haven’t seen one of these little guys in a long time.”

“Daddy you know what he is?”

“It….oh, excuse me, HE, is a nature spirit, kind of a sprite.” Dante laughed as Ras chittered, glaring at DJ occasionally. “He said DJ almost clipped his wing?”

“He has wings?” Ro giggled. Vergil looked at the sprite and chuckled.

“Oh, a nature familiar…. those are rare indeed. It's quite fascinating.”

“Mommy, Daddy, can I keep him?”

“Of course, you can my darling.” The Dark Slayer chuckled as he inspected Ras. He held his hand out, encouraging Ras to fly. With a happy chitter, Ras spread his shimmery feathered wings. They were like hummingbird wings. Ras chittered happily again as he hovered over Rosia. The boys were impressed.

“Oh wow, a chipmunk with wings!” Evan said. "And no Red Bull needed."

“That is fascinating!”

“It’s a Chip fly!” DJ laughed. Ras chittered at him. DJ blinked and gasped. “Hey, watch your mouth Chippy.”

“All right, all right, let’s hustle up,” Dante said with a chuckle. “We got more of the story to tell. So, after homework, another tale will unfold.”

“Dad, I swear all you need is a tunic and some tights.” DJ said wryly causing snickers and giggles to happen. Dante scrunched up his face and shuddered. Vergil had to bite back a laugh.


Chapter 7: Awkward Moments

Chapter Text

DJ grinned goofily in his sleep. He was having a good dream. A pretty girl and he were on a date, she leaned in begging for him to kiss her. She was a cute thing, lightly peach cream-colored skin, long strawberry blonde hair and aquamarine blue eyes. He leaned in and…..

“OH, MY f*ckING GOD!!!!” A laugh erupted, killing his dream. “VAL PLEASE TELLL ME YOU GOT THAT!”

Oh,” The elder chuckled darkly. “I got it!

“Come on Romeo, time for breakfast.” Evan laughed as he tossed DJ’s clothes at him. Vitale bit back his laughter as he dashed out of the room. DJ blinked. What the f*ck is wrong with those two? They’re acting like complete idiots!

The snickers continued as he came downstairs and while he sat at breakfast. He even noticed that his father was ‘studying’ the paper. His mother was into his book and Nero was counting to ten repeatedly. Rosia was giggling. DJ blinked in confusion. Was everyone hit with the stupid stick?

He rode his motorcycle and thought. Did something happen while I was asleep? He thought. Even Ras was chittering at him, having a violated look on his little chipmunk face. What’s his deal? DJ thought.

“So did you kids have a good day?” Dante asked, keeping his poker face up. DJ blinked as the other kids snickered.

“It was a breeze Daddy.” Rosia said, Evan clapped a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing. Vitale bit back a laugh as well and Nero looked to the sky. Vergil escorted Rosia into the car Dante was leaning against. Dante bit back a laugh and pet Ras in comfort.

“It’s ok little guy, we’ve all had awkward moments.” He said as Ras climbed up Dante’s arm and hid in his collar.

“Hey, it’s ok….” Dante soothed. “Poor little guy’s scarred.”

“My poor Ras.”

“Dude, what did you do to him?” Nero asked as he saw the quivering little chipmunk. Evan and Vitale laughed. Dante whistled and Vergil snickered. “Oh my God it must’ve been something….” Dante pulled out his cellphone and handed it over to Nero. Wordlessly, Nero opened it and dropped down laughing.

“Oh man DJ….seriously??”

“WHAT THE f*ck?!” DJ roared. Nero quickly handed the phone back to Dante who quickly pocketed it.

“Hey what gives?”

“Nope, not showing.” Dante said. Ras chittered again and snuggled up to the Hunter. Vergil raised an eyebrow.

“Someone is getting a little too cozy.” The Dark Slayer said as he removed Ras from Dante’s shoulder and handed him to Rosia. Ro giggled.

“Mommy, it’s ok you know Daddy loves you.” She said gently. Vergil chuckled and hugged her.

“I know that my darling. But I am a bit jealous when it comes to your father.”

“Yep, remember the bunny we had?”

“Oh, you remember what happened to him don’t you?”

“Yea, but all he wanted to do was get warm….”

“He had his bed, not your lap.

“That’s true.” Dante said with a chuckle and Vergil smirked and inspected his nails.

“Perhaps I should give John a call.” Vergil mused and smirked when he heard his husband’s dangerous growl.

“Sweetheart, don’t f*ck with me like that.”

“Who’s John?” DJ asked.

“Oh my God Old Man you’re still on that?!”

“He touched what’s MINE!!!!” Dante snarled. Vergil hugged him and kissed his cheek.

“Calm down Cremisi, we don’t want to trigger here.” He said coolly. Dante sighed and got into the car.

“Hello, who’s gonna answer me?!” DJ asked when they returned to Devil May Cry.

“John was a little boy who tried to win your mother’s affections.” Nero said.

“That little sh*t….” Dante grumbled, as he sat at his old desk, with his feet propped up.

“He kissed your mother on the cheek and your father was ready to kill him, almost did if I didn’t grab him.”

“You should’ve let me….”

“Well, it’s over now, you guys are back to yourselves, married, with kids and grandkids.” Nero said. Dante looked over at his family and smiled despite his anger. Nero was right. Even though the mention of that blond really brought out the brawler in him, at the end of the day, it was he who had Vergil’s heart.

“Excuse me for a bit.” He said as he got up and walked out of the office. Vergil sighed but knew what he had to do.

“Children, get started on your homework. After you’ve finished help Nero with dinner.”

“Yes Mother,”

“Yes Mom,”

“Yes Mommy.”

“Yes Grandmother.” Evan said. Vergil nodded and followed Dante out.

Dante wasn’t too far. He was in their garden, on the porch swing, looking glum. Vergil gently approached and stopped the swing.

“May I join you?”

“Heh, how did you know I was here?”

“I followed you.” Vergil answered as he sat down in the swing next to him. Dante sighed and wrapped an arm around Vergil and pulled him close.

“Cremisi, I’m sorry for what I said. It was thoughtless of me.” Vergil said as he rested his head against his husband’s chest.

“Sweetheart, I’m sorry too I just….”

“I love you….” Vergil whispered before kissing his husband. “Shall I show you how much?”

“Oh….” Dante purred. “What do you have in mind?”

“I may have a few things in mind.”

“I’m all yours Baby….”

“Yes, you are…”

“Hey, where are they?” DJ asked as he shred the salad greens. Nero chuckled and looked at the clock.

“Hm, they must be busy…” Nero said with a grin. “They’ve been gone for almost three hours.”

“Damn what the hell, oh, sh*t I left my Chem book at home!” DJ said. “I got to get home.”

“DJ what you brain farted? You moved here!” Nero asked. “The only one who’s living at the Manor is Ro.”

“I mean she left her book!” DJ said, running out and flying off. Rosia blinked, opened her bookbag and looked at Nero.

“No, I didn’t….” She said with a shake of her head. Nero ran out but didn’t trigger. He groaned then ran to dial his parents, trying to warn them of an incoming DJ.

As soon as DJ landed, he tensed when he heard moans and grunts. When he heard the snarls and shrieks, he pulled out Luce and Ombra, crouching low. What the f*ck we have demons in our garden? He crept closer and slowly parted the bushes and his eyes widened.

He saw a Blue Sin riding a Red Sin, the rhythm was animalistic and the Blue Sin’s tail lightly wrapped around the Red Sin. They bit, scratched, and thrashed. DJ aimed the twin guns at the mating Devils and would’ve fired if he didn’t feel a hand on his shoulder. He startled and jumped a mile high out of the bushes, swearing before he was yanked back down. It was Nero!

Are you stupid?” Nero whispered sharply. “Put those f*cking guns away!”

“There are devils f*cking in our garden!”

“Boy, you are an idiot, let’s get out of here before they finish!” Nero hissed, yanking the younger man away. The two Sins roared and shrieked in completion and fell over, fast asleep.

“What the f*ck man?” DJ said as Nero shoved him through the doors of the office. “What’s your deal?!”

“My deal is that you almost killed our parents!

“What?!” DJ said. “No no, there were two Devils….”

“Those Devils were THEM you lamebrain!!!” Nero shouted. “That’s it, when they get back, we’re going to show just how different we are.

When the parents did come back, they found an incredibly angry Nero and a hysterical DJ. Vitale and Evan had taken Rosia to a movie and shopping at her favorite mall.

“What happened Kid?”

“Old Man, we got to show them our triggers….”

“What’s the rush?”

“You and Father were almost killed today.”

“What?!” Vergil asked, sitting down slowly. Dante was tight lipped.


“Dad I went home and saw…..and heard….”

“Oh….” Vergil said blushing. Dante, although upset, chuckled.

“I see, ok, we’re definitely going to have to show our Triggers. I would rather not have bullets up my ass, and I like my head just where it is. And I want your mother in one piece.”

“Well, this is awkward,”

“Not as awkward as this.” Dante said as he showed the picture on his phone, it was a sleeping DJ kissing a sleeping Ras on the ass. DJ screamed and ran upstairs to the bathroom.

“Use a lot of mouthwash Chipmunk Cheeks!” Dante teased. Nero howled and Vergil chuckled softly.

Chapter 8: Devil Trigger Education and Wicked Waves


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

When the kids came downstairs the next morning, they were greeted to a somber looking Dante. They sat down on the couch without question, their familiars getting comfortable.

“I understand we need to go over a few necessary details.” Dante said as he looked at DJ. “What were you doing at the Manor yesterday Champ?”


“Nero already told me what happened. Why did you spy on your mother and I?”

“I didn’t know it was you Dad.” DJ admitted. “I didn’t know it was you and Mom.”

“Who were you expecting?” Dante asked sternly. “Nero told me that you almost killed us.”

“Dad I’m sorry, I really didn’t know. I thought demons invaded our home…. That something happened….”

“I get that Champ,” Dante said. “But you have to understand that we are not human. You almost took your mother and I out. I need all of you to be aware of what’s going on around you. Not all demons you have to kill. We’re going to show you.” Vergil and Nero gathered as well. Dante looked to them and nodded before looking at Rosia.

“Sweetpea, listen to me, look at me,” Dante said as he cupped her face gently. “Whatever you see, you don’t need to be scared. It’s only us. If you want, after seeing our other forms, you can close your eyes and just listen to our voices, ok?”

“Ok Daddy.”

“Ok,” Dante said softly as he smiled. He stood next to Vergil and waited. Vergil looked at their children and grandson and took a deep breath.

“We all, your grandfather/great grandfather included, have devil forms.” He explained gently. “These are our Devil Triggers.”

“When do we get them?” Vitale asked.

“Your Devil Triggers have to be awakened.” Vergil answered, having the most knowledge when it came to demon lore. “Most of the time violently and through fatality.”

“Wait, so we have to die in order to get this?” Evan asked. “Did you three….”

“Yes, we did.” Vergil said solemnly. “I was killed by attacking demons, I killed your father and Nero was killed by a crazed scientist and suits of armor.” The kids blinked.

“So how the f*ck are you still alive?!” DJ asked, baffled.

“Our Devils woke up.” Dante said, trying not to laugh at what DJ was thinking. “And no, we don’t shuffle around moaning ‘brains.” Rosia giggled while Evan and Vitale chuckled. “Our Devils become more active after they wake up. But they’re at the ready until we need them.”

“Sometimes the Devil gets out of control, having their own vendettas.” Vergil said, head bowed in shame. “When that happens the part that makes us human, falls prey to the Devil’s control and at times, becomes lost forever.”

“But if the will is strong, then the human part can take control again.” Vitale said with understanding and Vergil nodded.

“So, if you kids are ready, we’re about to begin.” Vergil said. “Youngest first.”

“Yes Father,” Nero replied before triggering. The kids gasped and Rosia and Evan wowed. It was easy to recognize Nero for he was still humanoid, with his long white hair, the bangs. They weren’t too afraid.

“Of course, as we age, the Devil changes.” Vergil explained, “No two Devils are the same.” At his nod, Dante went next, and the kids yelped. The Red Sin roared and spread his majestic wings, looking at them.

“Damn look at those horns!!!” DJ gulped. “They’re huge!”

“Don’t mess with the bull….” Evan said.

“Daddy?” Rosia asked, scared.

“It’s ok Sweetpea.” The Red Sin said. “Close your eyes.”

“But you have one more Sin to see my darling.” Vergil said gently. Rosia dared a look and saw the Blue Sin. She was about to scream when she heard a gentle croon and felt the Sin’s tail gently caress her cheek lovingly.


“Yes it’s me.” Vergil said softly. DJ bowed his head in shame and the kids looked at him.

“Dude what’s up with you?”

“I almost made us orphans.” DJ said ashamed. “Because I mistook Mom and Dad for bad demons.”

“And how did you see them like this?” Vitale asked.


“Awkward moment.” Dante said meekly. The kids giggled. Vergil and Nero chuckled. Ro dared a look at the devils and carefully approached them. The three devils waited as the young girl inspected them. They were still scary, but she knew who they were. She stopped at the Red Sin and rested her head against him.

“Daddy,” She whispered. The Red Sin growled softly and wrapped a wing around her before looking at the Blue Sin. The Blue Sin leaned in and nuzzled her. She knew from the scent and from the earlier admission that the Blue Sin was her mother.

“Mommy….” She whispered close to tears. Vergil immediately released his Trigger and held their daughter. Dante followed suit, as did Nero and held her. Her brothers and nephew joined in. It was all so new to Ro. The older ones had some experience with demons thanks to training. Ro was about to start that soon.

“I believe that is enough for today.” Dante said. “Who’s up for some fun?”

“YES!!!” The kids cheered. Ro smiled as ran after her brothers and nephew. Who was she to deny the promise of fun?

“WHOO HOOO!” DJ crowed as he, Nero and Evan were trying to gain on Dante against a surf off. The older Devil Hunter had a lot of skill even though the boys weren’t shabby. Vergil and Vitale stayed with Rosia who was cheering for her father and elder brother. She wanted to try.

“Mommy can I try?”

“I think it would be best for it to clear my darling.” Vergil said then gasped when he didn’t see her. “Ro? Rosia!”

“Mother look!” Vitale said as he pointed to the most wicked wave. There was Rosia! Vergil knew that was trouble in the works.

“CREMISI!!! OUR DAUGHTER!!!!” He cried. The Hunter turned fast and made his way easily to the headstrong girl.

“Hey Sweetpea,” Dante greeted with a grin. “You’re being pretty bold here. Ready to surf against your old man?”

“Yea!” Ro grinned. “If I win you have to buy me those new earrings I was eyeing at the mall.”

“The teardrops?”


“Done!” Dante agreed. “If I win, you have to do the dishes for the week.”

“Deal!” Ro grinned. They surfed in and Vergil felt his heart in his throat. So did her brothers and nephew as they saw the two surf and ride the massive and wicked white wave down…. It seemed to swallow them, but at the end, there was only one winner….


Who do you think won? I'll be speeding up the clock after this chapter

Chapter 9: Rebellious Princess


I'm speeding up the clock a bit. Happy Reading!

Chapter Text

Ro woke and stretched. She sighed as she laid back and looked up at the ceiling of her bedroom in thought. Today was a special birthday. Ras moved, flickering his tail on her cheek causing her to giggle.

“Ras you know that tickles.” She laughed. The chipmunk chittered with amusem*nt at his mistress as she got ready for the day. She decided on dark gray dress leggings and a nice pullover blue violet dress with low heels. She put her hair into a high ponytail and the tanzanite teardrop and morganite rose gold earrings she won from her father. She remembered the surf off between herself and her father, how much her mother laughed as Ro coasted in safely and victoriously onto the sand and a playfully pouting Dante.

“Cremisi, you were defeated by our daughter?” Vergil laughed. Dante grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head. This made Vergil laugh harder as they all went to the mall for dinner and for Dante to pay the piper. The boys laughed and teased the older Devil Hunter, but he just shrugged and purchased the earrings for the winner.

“Thank you, Daddy.”

“Fair is fair Sweetpea and I’m a man of my word.”

“Will I ever find a man like you someday?”

“Sorry Sweetpea,” Her father grinned, “I broke the mold and any one you bring home, will melt from my sheer awesomeness.”

“Oh Daddy…” Ro laughed as she hugged her father.

“Or piss their pants….” Dante grinned wider. Ro laughed again and her mother lightly swat her father.

“Cremisi, stop that you Devil.”

“Mark my words Sweetheart, there will NEVER be a guy good enough for her.”

“Cremisi, one day she will have to spread her wings as all nestlings do.”

“I know, I just don’t like it.”

She smiled as she made her way downstairs and greeted her parents. She hugged and kissed her mother and hugged her father.

“There’s our birthday girl!” Dante chuckled. “Your brothers and nephew and the crew are coming here!”

“It’s going to be quite an event….Cremisi!!!!” Vergil warned as he caught Dante trying to sneak a treat. “Those are for the party!”

“Aw just one…..” Dante pleaded with puppy eyes. Vergil giggled but shooed him out. Ro grinned and snuck two treats. One for herself and one for her father.

“Here Daddy,” She giggled as she handed a treat. Dante gasped happily and hugged her.

“Thank you Sweetpea!” He laughed. “You’re the only one whose able to surpasss…..”

“Ah, why are there two treats missing?!”

“RUN DADDY!” Rosia cried out with a laugh. Dante grabbed his treat and they both hid from dessert police.

“Mom,” DJ greeted his mother, hugging tight. Vergil smiled and hugged back.

“Ah Campione, still not married yet?”

“Nope, I like lone wolf status.”

“DJ just tell the truth; you have sh*t luck.” Evan laughed. Vitale chuckled. Dante laughed.

“You guys suck!” DJ said. He smiled when he saw Rosia. “Hey birthday girl!!!!”

“Hi Doofus!” Ro greeted as she hugged him. DJ laughed and held her. Evan and Vitale laughed hard. Nero grinned and held his arms open. Ro squealed and bounded for him, hugging tight.

“Ah, what a grip!” He teased. “Hi Kiddo.”

“Hi Nero.”

“The three stooges giving you problems Kid?”

“’Kid’? Old Man I’m in my forties.”

“So, I’m only in my sixties and you’re placing me in Old Fartville.” Dante jeered. Vergil laughed and shoved him gently away to greet the boys.

“Nero, it’s good to see you Child.” Vergil said as he hugged the younger Devil Hunter. “Now mind your stepfather he likes to steal the treats.”

“I did that once.”

“Bullsh*t!” Vergil laughed. Dante grinned. He couldn’t pull one on Vergil. It was close to impossible!

Rosia smiled as the people she loved and grew up with partied and had fun. Vergil sat next to her. He knew that something was bothering his princess.

“What’s wrong my darling?”

“Mother, I want to help fight too. I know I can do it.”

“Your father and I admire your courage, but we believe that it may be wise for you to grow up a bit more, get more training in…”

“Mother, why are you and Daddy so protective?”

“Because you are the first lady born into the Sparda line my darling.” Vergil said gently. “And that is very rare and special indeed.”

“Besides, I’ll kick their butts.” Dante growled. Rosia giggled. She loved her parents, brothers, nephew, and extended family. They were all there for her, and it strengthened her resolve to protect her family.

“HAPPY SWEET SIXTEEN RO!” Everyone cheered. Rosia smiled and leaned down to blow the candles but stopped, pulling her brothers and nephew down with her. They grinned and together, they blew the candles. Their parents smiled and held each other.

“Our Sweatpea is almost full-grown Sweetheart.”

“I know Cremisi,” Vergil sighed as he rested his head onto Dante’s shoulder, sighing in content. “And they’re all well off.”

“Yea, we have great kids.” Dante whispered. “And they had us at every step of the way.”

“Yes, they did….” Vergil whispered back. They enjoyed the peaceful moment until Nero’s phone rang and he turned the music off. He listened, then grew grim in the face before thanking the caller and hanging up.

“Boys, gear up!” Nero ordered as he holstered Blue Rose and hefted Red Queen. “We got to go! We have a mission!”

“Let’s go!” Vitale said as he hugged Ro. “Forgive us Sister, we have to go.”


“Sorry Aunt Ro.” Evan said as he grabbed Agni and Rudra.

“Hey, chin up Sis,” DJ comforted as he holstered Luce and Ombra before grabbing Alastor and Ifrit. “We’ll be back fast!”

“But I….” Ro began but her brothers and nephew were gone. She bit her cheek in frustration before taking a breath to compose herself. She learned this technique from her mother as well. In his youth, Vergil was infamous for his quick to boil anger. Over the decades, he learned patience. Dante learned to be more serious, that not everything was a joking matter. Rosia sighed and continued to celebrate her sweet sixteenth with her parents and their extended family. It wasn’t the same without her brothers and nephew. She decided then that if they couldn’t be with her, that she would be with them!

Shortly after her parents bid her goodnight and retired for the night, Ro bided her time. She stealthily geared up in her tanzanite and black Hunter Slayer gear. At first, their Aunt Nico jokingly dubbed it so explaining that Rosia was the perfect blend of both her parents, like Nero. So, Dante and Vergil commissioned such gear for her, each contributing designs from their own gears for Nico to work with. On Dante’s design there were armor and flair, with Vergil’s there was an elegance and durability. So she drew out an armored slate gray corset vest, with a royal blue light turtleneck, closefitting slate gray pants with tiny tanzanite roses on the trim. The boots were high, square heeled with sapphire trim. The gauntlet like gloves were tanzanite with black claws and wine-red innings. The belt was dark blue with a belt chain of rose gold with an elegant rose belt buckle. The coat was the crown jewel of the outfit. It was three tailed, like her mother’s but the ends were slightly rounded off, looking like petals. It was peaco*ck blue with tanzanite and the scrollwork were briar roses in rose gold. The collar was high and the coat itself was light armor. Yamato was at her side, and she put her hair into an elegant braid. When she was dressed, she eased out of her room, gathered some rations, and looked in on her sleeping parents. Her mother was resting in her father’s arms, who held her mother in a protective, loving embrace. Her mother’s hands were over her father’s. They looked peaceful and Ro felt a bit sorry for sneaking out. She leaned down and kissed them both.

Mommy, Daddy, I will make you proud. They’ll need me. I have to go. I love you both. With that, she jumped out of the window and ventured out into the night.

Chapter 10: Lesson of True Power

Chapter Text

Vergil was the first to awaken and carefully slipped out of bed, taking care to not wake his husband. He felt horrible that his sons and grandson had to leave so abruptly during his princess’ birthday party. Although she was now sixteen, in Dante’s and Vergil’s eyes, Rosia would always be their baby.

He approached her room and knocked gently. But he sensed something was off. As he looked inside, there was an empty bed, and a very anxious Ras, chittering worriedly. Vergil’s green blue eyes widened, and he walked in. Ro’s scent was faint, hours old. He noticed her gear was gone as was Yamato! NO!

“CREMISI!!!!!!” He howled painfully, rousing the Hunter. Dante ran in and gathered a distraught Vergil into his arms. “She’s gone….” The elder whimpered. Dante bit back his anger, picked up his cellphone and dialed Nero.

“Devil May Cry?”

“Kid, we got a problem.”

“What’s happened?”

“Ro, she’s gone, and if I know my Sweetpea, she’s coming to fight with you boys.”

“Got it, don’t worry Old Man, we’ll find her and bring her back.”

“Think I’m sitting with my thumbs up my ass Kid?” Dante asked. “We’re coming too!”

“Best bring backup!” Nero said. “It’s a f*cking motherload here!”

“I like that! So, what we got?”

“Some ugly ass tower….” At this Dante’s eyes widened and he looked at Vergil. Both devils mouthed the same word: No……

DJ, Evan and Vitale looked at the gruesome, looming tower. DJ rubbed his eyes when he saw the huge flying fish!

“Wow I thought Dad was kidding!”

“Nero, is this for real?” Vitale asked.

“Yea, the Old Man spoke of this. The Teminergu.”

“And what was the big whup to this?” DJ said. “It’s killing my eyes…..”

“It’s a bridge between our World and the Demon World. “Rosia chimed in. The guys jumped and turned.

“Sis, WHAT THE f*ck ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!” DJ asked, anger evident in his eyes.

“I want to help….”

“You can help by going back home!” DJ thundered. “Dad called and Mom’s worried! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!!!”


“Let’s not be hasty.” Nero said calmly at the bickering siblings. “Ro, I understand you want to help out kiddo. But there is nothing in there for you.”

“Nero, please I want to fight with you all. This is who we are. We hunt Devils and send them packing!”

“This is true kiddo.” Nero said. “But you leaving home showed recklessness, although the intentions are good. I completely understand that you want to prove yourself, to us and to our parents and our family. But kiddo this isn’t the way to do it.”

“Nero, please let me help. If you feel I can’t cut it or I get too hurt, I promise I’ll go home.” Rosia pleaded. “Please…..”Nero sighed and looked at her. She was his baby sister.


“WHAT?!” DJ shouted.

“Dad, are you sure?” Evan asked.

“Nero, is this wise?”

“She is right, she is a Sparda too and this is what we do.” Nero said. DJ groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Her place is at home, tending to the garden and helping Mother!” He growled. “This is what we MEN do!” This angered Ro and she growled at him.

“I’ll show you, you DOOFUS!!!” She barked as she stomped into the tower. Nero yelped and followed her, along with Evan. Vitale glared at DJ.

“What’s your beef?”

“She picked the perfect nickname for you,” Vitale said. “Because that’s exactly what you’re acting like.” With that, he followed them, leaving DJ to seethe alone.

Dante, Vergil and Asmodeus made their way to the tower and saw the seething Hunter. Dante went over and grabbed his shoulders.

“Champ, what happened?”

“Ro showed up, and instead of going home, she’s in there!!!” He growled. The parents looked at each other. Asmodeus, dropped his Dr. Aiden guise as soon as Dante explained what happened to Rosia and was there in an instant.

“This tower, I remember this tower…It housed the Seven Deadly Sins. Your grandfather stripped their names away, but one rose the tower, returned their names and broke the seal. Your father, was the one who sealed it again.”

“And who’s the jackass who opened it last time?” DJ asked, talking out of his ass again. Dante and Vergil glared at him. “Sorry but that was a bonehead move.”

“Actually, your mother was suckered into opening it.” Dante said. DJ’s eyes widened.


“There is so much for me to atone for Campione.” Vergil said sadly. “We have to get her out of there!”

“And we will Sweetheart,” Dante said as he held Vergil in his arms. “I promise you that we will.”

Rosia heard her elder brother, older brother and her nephew calling out to her to stop. She listened, despite her anger. Luckily, Nero was able to get to her.

“Ro, you have to learn to not let DJ or anyone get under your skin!” He said sternly. “This happened with Father.”

“What happened?” Rosia asked as she tilted her head. She heard the stories, but she wasn’t sure about this one in particular.

“Father felt that he failed the family when their mother, our grandmother, was killed. He assumed the Old Man dead and Grandfather was not there. So Father took it upon himself to take up the mantle. Unfortunately, that was too big of a bite for a mere eight-year-old child. He fought bravely of course, but he was overpowered and killed. His devil was awakened, and he got revenge. But it wasn’t enough.”

“What did Grandmother do Dad?”

“He swore that he would never be weak again. To obtain the power needed to protect his family.” Nero said. “But he lost his way and the true meaning of your grandfather’s / great-grandfather’s lesson. There are different forms of power. While Father interpreted as he needed their father’s demonic power, your father/your grandfather, understood and saw what he meant.

“And what was that?” Rosia asked. Evan blinked but Vitale smiled.

“That standing together was true strength. With a clear mind, and a clear heart. A strong will….” At this, Nero nodded.

“Exactly.” He said proudly. “We all want to prove ourselves in some way. But what is important is how we get there. The paths we choose to take. And that we use a clear head to do it.” Rosia sighed.

“Kiddo, you can help us, all that I ask, is not to be reckless in your choices. For all it takes, is just one mistake.” Rosia bowed her head, took a breath and placed her hand into that of her elder brother’s.

“Let’s find Mommy and Daddy.”

“Thatta girl.” Nero said with a smile as he led her back to the entrance with a proud smile. Vitale and Evan followed in tow and smiled too. They knew it wasn’t easy for Ro to swallow her pride but they and she knew that Nero was right.

“So wait a minute,” Dante’s voice began, anger clear in his voice. “She was here, and you provoked her by saying the most stupid, piggish…..”

“Daddy!” Ro called. Both parents cried out with joy and hugged her tight. “Mommy, Daddy I’m sorry!”

“Oh, my darling all is forgiven,” Vergil whispered as he held her, sobbing softly. Dante held them both.

“It’s ok Sweetpea.” Dante crooned. “We understand you want to kick demon ass. But your time will come….”

“Old Man, this is a big job.” Nero said as they looked at the tower. “I give you props for taking this on alone.”

“Yea it was a real bitch.” Dante admitted. “So who are we up against?"

“Some bald-headed looney with a bad face and a demoness who thinks she owns the world.” Nero said. Dante and Vergil looked at each other then at the tower.

“Here we go again.” Dante sighed as he removed Ebony and Ivory from the holster. “Fine, I guess we’re all going.” Rosia looked at her father wide-eyed. “Sweetpea, Boys, it’s time.” As one, they all entered the tower, but Rosia had a feeling she would not come out the same.

The Rose Paladin - RaineLemuria (2024)
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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.